
Matrix product states

The module contains a light-weight MPS emulator.

class qtealeaves.emulator.mps_simulator.MPS(num_sites, convergence_parameters, local_dim=2, initialize='vacuum', requires_singvals=False, tensor_backend=None, sectors=None, **kwargs)[source]

Matrix product states class


num_sites: int

Number of sites

convergence_parameters: TNConvergenceParameters

Class for handling convergence parameters. In particular, in the MPS simulator we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension \(\chi\); - the cut ratio \(\epsilon\) after which the singular

values are neglected, i.e. if \(\lamda_1\) is the bigger singular values then after an SVD we neglect all the singular values such that \(\frac{\lambda_i}{\lambda_1}\leq\epsilon\)

local_dim: int or list of ints, optional

Local dimension of the degrees of freedom. Default to 2. If a list is given, then it must have length num_sites.

initialize: str, optional

The method for the initialization. Default to “vacuum” Available: - “vacuum”, for the |000…0> state - “random”, for a random state at given bond dimension

requires_singvalsboolean, optional

Allows to enforce SVD to have singular values on each link available which might be useful for measurements, e.g., bond entropy (the alternative is traversing the whole TN again to get the bond entropy on each link with an SVD).

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.

sectorsdict, optional

Can restrict symmetry sector and/or bond dimension in initialization. If empty, no restriction. Default to None

add_site(idx, state=None)[source]

Add a site in a product state in the link idx (idx=0 is before the first site, idx=N+1 is after the last). The state of the new index is |0> or the one provided.



index of the link where you want to add the site

state: None or array-like

Vector state that you want to add


To insert a new site in the MPS we first insert an identity on a link, then add a dimension-1 link to the identity and lastly contract the new link with the initial state, usually a |0>


Apply an MPO to the MPS on the sites sites. The MPO should have the following convention for the links: 0 is left link. 1 is physical link pointing downwards. 2 is phisical link pointing upwards. 3 is right link.

The sites are encoded inside the DenseMPO class.



MPO to be applied



Singular values cutted when the gate link is contracted

apply_nonlocal_two_site_operator(op, control, target, swap=False)[source]

Apply a non-local two-site operator, by taking first the SVD of the operator, contracting the almost-single-site operator to the respective sites and then propagating the operator to the correct site


The operations in this method are NOT ALWAYS well defined. If the left-operator tensor is not unitary, then we are applying a non-unitary operation to the state, and thus we will see a vanishing norm. Notice that, if the error can happen a warning message will be issued



Operator to be applied


control qubit index


target qubit index

swapbool, optional

If True, transpose the tensor legs such that the control and target are swapped. Default to False



Singular values cutted when the gate link is contracted

apply_one_site_operator(op, pos)[source]

Applies a one operator op to the site pos of the MPS.


op: QteaTensor of shape (local_dim, local_dim)

Matrix representation of the quantum gate

pos: int

Position of the qubit where to apply op.

apply_projective_operator(site, selected_output=None, remove=False)[source]

Apply a projective operator to the site site, and give the measurement as output. You can also decide to select a given output for the measurement, if the probability is non-zero. Finally, you have the possibility of removing the site after the measurement.


Applying projective measurements/removing sites is ALWAYS dangerous. The information of the projective measurement should be in principle carried over the entire mps, by iteratively applying SVDs across all sites. However, this procedure is highly suboptimal, since it is not always necessary and will be processed by the following two-sites operators. Thus, the procedure IS NOT applied here. Take care that entanglement measures through TNObsBondEntropy may give incorrect results right after a projective operator application. Furthermore, if working with parallel approaches, projective operators should be treated with even more caution, since they CANNOT be applied in parallel.


site: int

Index of the site you want to measure

selected_output: int, optional

If provided, the selected state is measured. Throw an error if the probability of the state is 0

remove: bool, optional

If True, the measured index is traced away after the measurement. Default to False.


meas_state: int

Measured state


Probability of measuring the output state

apply_two_site_operator(op, pos, swap=False, svd=True, parallel=False)[source]

Applies a two-site operator op to the site pos, pos+1 of the MPS.


op: QteaTensor (local_dim, local_dim, local_dim, local_dim)

Matrix representation of the quantum gate

pos: int or list of ints

Position of the qubit where to apply op. If a list is passed, the two sites should be adjacent. The first index is assumed to be the control, and the second the target. The swap argument is overwritten if a list is passed.

swap: bool

If True swaps the operator. This means that instead of the first contraction in the following we get the second. It is written is a list of pos is passed.

svd: bool

If True, apply the usual contraction plus an SVD, otherwise use the QR approach explained in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2212.09782.pdf.

parallel: bool

If True, perform an approximation of the two-qubit gates faking the isometry center


singular_values_cutted: ndarray

Array of singular values cutted, normalized to the biggest singular value


swap=False  swap=True
  -P-M-       -P-M-
  2| |2       2| |2
  3| |4       4| |3
   GGG         GGG
  1| |2       2| |1

Build the complete effective operator on each of the links. It assumes self.eff_op is set.


measurement_modebool, optional

If True, enable measurement mode of effective operators

contract(other, boundaries=None)[source]

Contract the MPS with another MPS other <other|self>. By default it is a full contraction, but also a partial contraction is possible



other MPS to contract with

boundariestuple of ints, optional

Contract to MPSs from boundaries[0] to boundaries[1]. In this case the output will be a tensor. Default to None, which is full contraction



Result of the contraction

property current_max_bond_dim

Maximum bond dimension of the mps

property default_iso_pos

Returns default isometry center position, e.g., for initialization of effective operators.


Default sweep order to be used in the ground state search/time evolution. Default for MPS is left-to-right.


skip_exact_rgtensorsbool, optional

Allows to exclude tensors from the sweep which are at full bond dimension and represent just a unitary transformation. Usually set via the convergence parameters and then passed here. Default to False.



The generator that you can sweep through


Obtain the list of effective operators adjacent to the position pos and the index where they should be contracted



list of [layer, tensor in layer]


list of IndexedOperators

List of effective operators

list of ints

Indexes where the operators should be contracted


Calculate the dot-product or overlap between two MPSs, i.e., <self | other>.



Measure the overlap with this other MPS.

Returns ——-a

Scalar representing the overlap.

property first_non_orthogonal_left

First non orthogonal tensor starting from the left

property first_non_orthogonal_right

First non orthogonal tensor starting from the right

classmethod from_statevector(statevector, local_dim=2, conv_params=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Initialize the MPS tensors by decomposing a statevector into MPS form. All the degrees of freedom must have the same local dimension


statevectorndarray of shape( local_dim^num_sites, )

Statevector describing the interested state for initializing the MPS

local_dimint, optional

Local dimension of the degrees of freedom. Default to 2.

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters for the new MPS. If None, the maximum bond bond dimension possible is assumed, and a cut_ratio=1e-9. Default to None.

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.



MPS simulator class


>>> -U1 - U2 - U3 - ... - UN-
>>>  |    |    |          |
# For d=2, N=7 and chi=5, the tensor network is as follows:
>>> -U1 -2- U2 -4- U3 -5- U4 -5- U5 -4- U6 -2- U7-
>>>  |      |      |      |      |      |      |
# where -x- denotes the bounds' dimension (all the "bottom-facing" indices
# are of dimension d=2). Thus, the shapes
# of the returned tensors are as follows:
>>>      U1         U2         U3         U4         U5         U6         U7
>>> [(1, 2, 2), (2, 2, 4), (4, 2, 5), (5, 2, 5), (5, 2, 4), (4, 2, 2), (2, 2, 1)]
classmethod from_tensor_list(tensor_list, conv_params=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Initialize the MPS tensors using a list of correctly shaped tensors


tensor_listlist of ndarrays or cupy arrays

List of tensor for initializing the MPS

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters for the new MPS. If None, the maximum bond bond dimension possible is assumed, and a cut_ratio=1e-9. Default to None.

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.



The MPS class

Returns two sets of sites forming the bipartition of the system for a loopless tensor network. The link is specified via two positions in the tensor network.


pos_srctuple of two ints

Specifies the first tensor and source of the link.

pos_dsttuple of two ints

Specifies the second tensor and destination of the link.


sites_srclist of ints

Hilbert space indices when looking from the link towards source tensor and following the links therein.

sites_dstlist of ints

Hilbert space indices when looking from the link towards destination tensor and following the links therein.

List of tensor position where links are leading to.



Index of the tensor in the MPS



Index of the tensor connected through links to pos. None if they are open links.

Get the position of the partner tensor to use in the link expansion subroutine. It is the tensor towards the center, that is supposed to be more entangled w.r.t. the tensor towards the edge



Position w.r.t. which you want to compute the partner



Position of the partner


Link of pos pointing towards the partner


Link of the partner pointing towards pos


Get the reduced density matrix of the site at index idx



Index of the site



Reduced density matrix of the site


Generic function to retrieve the tensor for a specific site. Compatible across different tensor network geometries. This function does not shift the gauge center before returning the tensor.



Return tensor containing the link of the local Hilbert space of the idx-th site.

property iso_center

Output the gauge center if it is well defined, otherwise None

iso_towards(new_iso, keep_singvals=False, trunc=False, conv_params=None, move_to_memory_device=True, normalize=False)[source]

Apply the gauge transformation to shift the isometry center to a specific site new_iso. The method might be different for other TN structure, but for the MPS it is the same.



Position in the TN of the tensor which should be isometrized.

keep_singvalsbool, optional

If True, keep the singular values even if shifting the iso with a QR decomposition. Default to False.

truncBoolean, optional

If True, the shifting is done via truncated SVD. If False, the shifting is done via QR. Default to False.

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters to use for the SVD. If None, convergence parameters are taken from the TTN. Default to None.

move_to_memory_devicebool, optional

If True, when a mixed device is used, move the tensors that are not the isometry center back to the memory device. Default to True.

normalizebool, optional

Flag if intermediate steps should normalize. Default to False


The tensors used in the computation will always be moved on the computational device. For example, the isometry movement keeps the isometry center end the effective operators around the center (if present) always on the computational device. If move_to_memory_device is False, then all the tensors (effective operators) on the path from the old iso to the new iso will be kept in the computational device. This is very useful when you iterate some protocol between two tensors, or in general when two tensors are involved.

kron(other, inplace=False)[source]

Concatenate two MPS, taking the kronecker/outer product of the two states. The bond dimension assumed is the maximum between the two bond dimensions.



MPS to concatenate

inplacebool, optional

If True apply the kronecker product in place. Instead, if inplace=False give as output the product. Default to False.



Concatenation of the first MPS with the second in order

left_canonize(idx, trunc=False, keep_singvals=False, conv_params=None, move_to_memory_device=True, normalize=False)[source]

Apply a gauge transformation to all bonds between 0 and idx, so that all sites between the first (òeftmpst one) and idx are set to (semi)-unitary tensors.


idx: int

index of the tensor up to which the canonization occurs

trunc: bool, optional

If True, use the SVD instead of the QR for the canonization. It might be useful to reduce the bond dimension. Default to False.

keep_singvalsbool, optional

If True, keep the singular values even if shifting the iso with a QR decomposition. Default to False.

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters to use for the SVD in the procedure. If None, convergence parameters are taken from the TTN. Default to None.

move_to_memory_devicebool, optional

If True, when a mixed device is used, move the tensors that are not the isometry center back to the memory device. Default to True.

normalizebool, optional

Flag if singular values should be normalized. Default to False


Measure the entanglement entropy along all the sites of the MPS using the Von Neumann entropy \(S_V\) defined as:

\[S_V = - \sum_i^{\chi} s^2 \ln( s^2)\]

with \(s\) the singular values



Keys are the range of the bipartition from 0 to which the entanglement (value) is relative

meas_even_probabilities(threshold, qiskit_convention=False)[source]

Compute the probabilities of measuring a given state if it is greater than a threshold. The function goes down “evenly” on the probability tree. This means that there is the possibility that no state is returned, if their probability is lower then threshold. Furthermore, notice that the maximum number of states returned is :math:`(


For a different way of computing the probability tree see the function meas_greedy_probabilities() or meas_unbiased_probabilities().


Discard all the probabilities lower then the threshold

qiskit_conventionbool, optional

If the sites during the measure are represented such that |201> has site 0 with value one (True, mimicks bits ordering) or with value 2 (False usually used in theoretical computations). Default to False.


Dictionary where the keys are the states while the values their probabilities. The keys are separated by a comma if local_dim > 9.

meas_greedy_probabilities(max_prob, max_iter=None, qiskit_convention=False)[source]

Compute the probabilities of measuring a given state until the total probability measured is greater than the threshold max_prob. The function goes down “greedily” on the probability tree. This means that there is the possibility that a path that was most promising at the tree root will become very computationally demanding and not so informative once reached the leaves. Furthermore, notice that there is no maximum number of states returned, and so the function might be exponentially slow.

For a different way of computing the probability tree see the function meas_even_probabilities() or meas_unbiased_probabilities()



Compute states until you reach this probability

qiskit_conventionbool, optional

If the sites during the measure are represented such that |201> has site 0 with value one (True, mimicks bits ordering) or with value 2 (False usually used in theoretical computations). Default to False.



Dictionary where the keys are the states while the values their probabilities. The keys are separated by a comma if local_dim > 9.

meas_tensor_product(ops, idxs)[source]

Measure the tensor products of n operators ops acting on the indexes idxs. The operators should be MPOs, i.e. rank-4 tensors of shape (left, up, down, right). To retrieve the tensor product operators, left=right=1.


opslist of ndarrays

List of numpy arrays which are one-site operators

idxslist of int

Indexes where the operators are applied



Result of the measurement

meas_weighted_sum(op_strings, idxs_strings, coefs)[source]

Measure the weighted sum of tensor product operators. See meas_tensor_product()


op_stringslist of lists of ndarray

list of tensor product operators

idxs_stringslist of list of int

list of indexes of tensor product operators

coefslist of complex

list of the coefficients of the sum



Result of the measurement

ml_get_gradient_tensor(idx, data_sample, true_label)[source]

Get the gradient w.r.t. the tensors at position idx, idx+1 of the MPS following the procedure explained in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1605.05775.pdf for the data_sample given



Index of the tensor to optimize


Data sample in MPS class


True label of the datasample



Gradient tensor

ml_optimize_mps(data_samples, true_labels, batch_size, learning_rate, num_sweeps, n_jobs=1)[source]

Optimize the MPS using the algorithm of Stoudenmire



Feature dataset


Labels of the dataset


Number of samples for a single sweep(epoch)

learning_ratefloat or callable

Learning rate for the tensor update. If callable, it can depend on the sweep.


Number of optimization sweeps (epochs)

n_jobsint, optional

Number of parallel jobs for the optimization, by default 1



Singular values cut in the optimization


Value of the loss function at each sweep(epoch)

ml_optmize_tensor(idx, data_samples, true_labels, learning_rate, n_jobs=1, direction=1)[source]

Optimize a single tensor using a batch of data damples



Index of the tensor to optimize


List of data samples


List of labels (0 or 1)


Learining rate for the tensor update

n_jobsint, optional

Number of parallel jobs for the optimization, by default 1



Singular values cut in the optimization


Value of the loss function

ml_predict(data_samples, n_jobs=1)[source]

Predict the labels of the data samples passed



Feature dataset


Labels of the dataset

n_jobsint, optional

Number of parallel jobs for the optimization, by default 1



Predicted labels

modify_local_dim(value, idxs=None)[source]

Modify the local dimension of sites idxs to the value value. By default modify the local dimension of all the sites. If value is a vector then it must have the same length of idxs. Notice that there may be loss of information, it is up to the user to be sure no error is done in this procedure.


valueint or array-like

New value of the local dimension. If an int, it is assumed it will be the same for all sites idxs, otherwise its length must be the same of idxs.

idxsint or array-like, optional

Indexes of the sites to modify. If None, all the sites are modified. Default to None.

classmethod mpi_bcast(state, comm, tensor_backend, root=0)[source]

Broadcast a whole tensor network.


stateMPS (for MPI-rank root, otherwise None is acceptable)

State to be broadcasted via MPI.

commMPI communicator

Send state to this group of MPI processes.


Needed to identity data types and tensor classes on receiving MPI threads (plus checks on sending MPI thread).

rootint, optional

MPI-rank of sending thread with the state. Default to 0.

static mpi_sample_n_unique_states(state, num_unique, comm, tensor_backend, cache_size=None, cache_clearing_strategy=None, filter_func=None, mpi_final_op=None, root=0, **kwargs)[source]

Try sampling a target number of unique states from TN ansatz.


Elementwise multiplication of the MPS with another MPS, resulting multiplying the coefficients of the statevector representation. If self represents the state a|000>+b|111> and other represent c|000>+d|111> then self.mps_multiply_mps(other)=ac|000>+bd|111>. It is very computationally demanding and the new bond dimension is the product of the two original bond dimensions.



MPS to multiply



Summation of the first MPS with the second


Returns the norm of the MPS as sqrt(<self|self>)


norm: float

norm of the MPS


Normalize the MPS state, by dividing by \(\sqrt{<\psi|\psi>}\).

property physical_idxs

Physical indices property

classmethod read(filename, tensor_backend, cmplx=True, order='F')[source]

Read an MPS written by FORTRAN in a formatted way on file. Reads in column-major order but the output is in row-major. This is the only method that overrides the number of sites, since you may not know before reading.


filename: str

PATH to the file


Setup which tensor class to create.

cmplx: bool, optional

If True the MPS is complex, real otherwise. Default to True

order: str, optional

If ‘F’ the tensor is transformed from column-major to row-major, if ‘C’ it is left as read.


obj: py:class:MPS

MPS class read from file


Reset the states of the sites idxs to the |0> state


idxsint or list of ints, optional

indexes of the sites to reinitialize to 0. If default value is left all the sites are restarted.

right_canonize(idx, trunc=False, keep_singvals=False, conv_params=None, move_to_memory_device=True, normalize=False)[source]

Apply a gauge transformation to all bonds between :py:method:`MPS.num_sites` and idx, so that all sites between the last (rightmost one) and idx are set to (semi)-unitary tensors.


idx: int

index of the tensor up to which the canonization occurs

trunc: bool, optional

If True, use the SVD instead of the QR for the canonization. It might be useful to reduce the bond dimension. Default to False.

keep_singvalsbool, optional

If True, keep the singular values even if shifting the iso with a QR decomposition. Default to False.

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters to use for the SVD in the procedure. If None, convergence parameters are taken from the TTN. Default to None.

move_to_memory_devicebool, optional

If True, when a mixed device is used, move the tensors that are not the isometry center back to the memory device. Default to True.

normalizebool, optional

Flag if intermediate steps should normalize. Default to False


Scale the MPS state by a scalar constant using the gauge center.



Factor is multiplied to the MPS at the gauge center.

Update or set singvals on link via two positions.

property singvals

List of singular values in the bonds

site_canonize(idx, keep_singvals=False, normalize=False)[source]

Apply the gauge transformation to shift the isometry center to a specific site idx.


idx: int

index of the tensor up to which the canonization occurs from the left and right side.

keep_singvalsbool, optional

If True, keep the singular values even if shifting the iso with a QR decomposition. Default to False.

normalizebool, optional

Flag if intermediate steps should normalize. Default to False

swap_qubits(sites, conv_params=None, trunc=True)[source]

This function applies a swap gate to sites in an MPS, i.e. swaps these two qubits



The qubits on site sites[0] and sites[1] are swapped

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters to use for the SVD in the procedure. If None, convergence parameters are taken from the TTN. Default to None.



Singualr values cut in the process of shifting the isometry center. None if moved through the QR.

property tensors

List of MPS tensors


Return MPS without symmetric tensors.


true_copybool, optional

The function can be forced to return an actual copy with true_copy=True, while otherwise self can be returned if the MPS is already without symmetries. Default to False



MPS representation without symmetric tensors.

to_statevector(qiskit_order=False, max_qubit_equivalent=20)[source]

Given a list of N tensors MPS [U1, U2, …, UN] , representing a Matrix Product State, perform the contraction in the Examples, leading to a single tensor of order N, representing a dense state.

The index ordering convention is from left-to-right. For instance, the “left” index of U2 is the first, the “bottom” one is the second, and the “right” one is the third.


qiskit_order: bool, optional

weather to use qiskit ordering or the theoretical one. For example the state |011> has 0 in the first position for the theoretical ordering, while for qiskit ordering it is on the last position.

max_qubit_equivalent: int, optional

Maximum number of qubit sites the MPS can have and still be transformed into a statevector. If the number of sites is greater, it will throw an exception. Default to 20.


psindarray of shape (d ^ N, )

N-order tensor representing the dense state.


>>> U1 - U2 - ... - UN
>>>  |    |          |

Return the tensor list representation of the MPS. Required for compatibility with TTN emulator



List of tensors of the MPS


Return a tree tensor network (TTN) representation as binary tree.


The TTN is returned as a listed list where the tree layer with the local Hilbert space is the first list entry and the uppermost layer in the TTN is the last list entry. The first list will have num_sites / 2 entries. The uppermost list has two entries.

The order of the legs is always left-child, right-child, parent with the exception of the left top tensor. The left top tensor has an additional link, i.e., the symmetry selector; the order is left-child, right-child, parent, symmetry-selector.

Also see :py:func:ttn_simulator:`from_tensor_list`.

write(filename, cmplx=True)[source]

Write an MPS in python format into a FORTRAN format, i.e. transforms row-major into column-major


filename: str

PATH to the file

cmplx: bool, optional

If True the MPS is complex, real otherwise. Default to True



Matrix Product State python simulator

The Matrix Product States (MPS) are an efficient way of representing a quantum state of 1-dimensional systems. The quantum system is represented as a tensor network, where each tensor represent a single degree of freedom of dimension local_dim. The entanglement of the system is encoded in the links between the tensors, and is bounded by the maximum bond dimension \(\chi\). The system is evolved by applying operators to the tensors, which are represented as tensors of dimension (local_dim x local_dim), if they are one-site operators (apply_one_site_operator()), or as tensors of dimension (local_dim x local_dim x local_dim x local_dim), if they are two-site operators (apply_two_site_operator()).

The entanglement constraint is imposed when we apply the two-site operators. Indeed, to come back to the MPS structure we apply a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and apply a truncation on the singular values. We truncate the singular values \(s=\{s_1, s_2, \dots, s_n\}\) with \(s_1\geq s_2\geq\dots\geq s_n\) such that:

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} s_i \mbox{ is truncated if } & i>\chi \\ s_i \mbox{ is truncated if } & \frac{s_i}{s_1}\leq \epsilon \end{cases}\end{split}\]

where \(\epsilon\) is called cut ratio and is usually around \(\sim 10^{-9}\).

After the simulation we can perform the following measures: - Projective measurement of the system, which use a copy of the system and thus allow multiple measurements and keeping the state. Uses meas_projective(). - Measurement of local one-site operators along the full MPS, using meas_local(). - Measurements of tensor product operators, which are tensor product of single-site operators. Uses meas_tensor_product(). - Measurements of weighted sum of tensor product operators, using meas_weighted_sum(). - The bond entanglement entropy of the system along each bond, using meas_eantanglement(). This computation adds a minimum overhead, since it is already saved during the simulation and requires only a sum. For further informations on measuremens refer to Observables.


Let us prepare an example to understand how to use the simulator. In this example we will use qubits, which means we fix the local dimension to 2. First, we need to decide the number of qubits we are interested in and the convergence parameters. We will only use 2 qubits and build a GHZ state. Remember that an MPS is always initialized in the Vacuum state \(|00\dots 0\rangle\), even though you can re-initialize it later on. (For further informations on the initialization see from_statevector(), from_tensor_list()).

Then, we have to evolve the state using one and two-site operators. In particular, we will use the Hadamard and Controlled NOT gates. We take the transposition of the gates to follow the notation of linear algebra, where the operators are applied to the left of the state, and so we can multiply the operators \(O_i\) as follows:

\[|\psi(t+1)\rangle = O_i |\psi(t)\rangle.\]

Lets write the code:

It is interesting to notice that we used a parameter called swap and set it to False. The apply_two_site_operator() method always applies the gates on position pos, pos+1. If the control qubit of the gate is on index pos then the swap parameter should be set to False, while if the control is in pos+1 it should be set to True. This function performs the swapping by permuting the tensor. After evolving the state, we can perform measuremnts or obtain the real statevector for debugging:

As expected, we got a measurement compatible with the state \(|GHZ\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|00\rangle+|11\rangle)\).

Finally, remember that you can access the tensors of the MPS class as you would access the elements of a list, or concatenate two mps using the :py:method:`kron` method.

List of overloaded operators

We report here a list of the overloaded operators and their actions, for an easy guide:

  • +, add two MPS states. If the first is in the state \(|00\rangle\) and the second in \(|11\rangle\), then their sum is \(|GHZ\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|00\rangle+|11\rangle)\)

  • +=, as before but acts in place

  • *, multiply the gauge/orthogonality center by a scalar number

  • *=, as before but acts in place

  • /, divide the gauge/orthogonality center by a scalar number

  • /=, as before but acts in place

  • @, contract two mps along all the open indexes. The left part is complex conjugate, which means a @ b is equivalent to \(\langle a | b \rangle\)

Tree tensor networks

class qtealeaves.emulator.TTN(num_sites, convergence_parameters, local_dim=2, requires_singvals=False, tensor_backend=None, network='binary', initialize='random', sectors={}, **kwargs)[source]

Tree tensor network class.


num_sites: int

Number of sites

convergence_parameters: TNConvergenceParameters

Class for handling convergence parameters. In particular, in the TTN simulator we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension \(\chi\); - the cut ratio \(\epsilon\) after which the singular

values are neglected, i.e. if \(\lamda_1\) is the bigger singular values then after an SVD we neglect all the singular values such that \(\frac{\lambda_i}{\lambda_1}\leq\epsilon\)

local_dim: int, optional

Local dimension of the degrees of freedom. Default to 2.

requires_singvalsboolean, optional

Allows to enforce SVD to have singular values on each link available which might be useful for measurements, e.g., bond entropy (the alternative is traversing the whole TN again to get the bond entropy on each link with an SVD).

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.

networkstr, optional

Default to “binary” (probably only option right now).

initialize: string, optional

Define the initialization method. For random entries use ‘random’, for empty TTN use ‘empty’. Default to ‘random’.

sectorsdict, optional

Can restrict symmetry sector and/or bond dimension in initialization. If empty, no restriction. Default to empty dictionary.


The last layer contains the local Hilbert spaces and the most tensors.


Apply an MPO to the TTN on the sites sites. The MPO should have the following convention for the links: 0 is left link. 1 is physical link pointing downwards. 2 is phisical link pointing upwards. 3 is right link.

The sites are encoded inside the DenseMPO class.



MPO to be applied



Singular values cutted when the gate link is contracted

apply_one_site_operator(op, pos)[source]

Applies a one-site operator op to the physical site pos of the TTN.


op: numpy array shape (local_dim, local_dim)

Matrix representation of the quantum gate

pos: int

Position of the qubit where to apply op.

apply_one_site_operator_weak_symmetry(op, pos)[source]

Applies a one-site operator op to the physical site pos of the TTN. This is the version for weak symmetries.


op: _AbstractQteaTensor

Matrix representation of the quantum gate as rank-3 tensor where the third link is of dimension 1, but can carry a charge.

pos: int

Position of the qubit where to apply op.

apply_projective_operator(site, selected_output=None, remove=False)[source]

Apply a projective operator to the site site, and give the measurement as output. You can also decide to select a given output for the measurement, if the probability is non-zero. Finally, you have the possibility of removing the site after the measurement.


Applying projective measurements/removing sites is ALWAYS dangerous. The information of the projective measurement should be in principle carried over the entire TTN, by iteratively applying SVDs across all the networks. However, this procedure is highly suboptimal, since it is not always necessary and will be processed by the following two-sites operators. Thus, the procedure IS NOT applied here. Take care that entanglement measures through TNObsBondEntropy may give the None result. Furthermore, if working with parallel approaches, projective operators should be treated with even more caution, since they CANNOT be applied in parallel.


site: int

Index of the site you want to measure

selected_output: int, optional

If provided, the selected state is measured. Throw an error if the probability of the state is 0

remove: bool, optional

If True, the measured index is traced away after the measurement. Default to False.


meas_state: int

Measured state


Probability of measuring the output state

apply_two_site_operator(gate, sites, conv_params=None)[source]

Applies a two-site operator gate to the TTN on sites sites[0] and sites[1].


gatenp array of shape (local_dim*local_dim, local_dim*local_dim)

Quantum gate to apply on a TTN. Note that links [2] and [3] of the gate are applied to the TTN.

siteslist/array of two ints

Left and right site on which to apply gate. The counting starts from 0.

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters to use for the SVD in the procedure. If None, convergence parameters are taken from the TTN. Default to None.



Singular values cut in the process of shifting the isometry center. None if moved through the QR.


Assert for methods requiring binary trees.


Build the complete effective operator on each of the links. Now assumes self.eff_op is set.

clear_cache(num_qubits_keep=None, all_probs=None, current_key=None)[source]

Internal cache for unbiased measurements can grow quickly. This function can erase either the whole cache (with num_qubits_keep == 0) or measurements from num_qubits_keep upwards.


num_qubits_keepint or None, optional

Delete at least all cached entries for up to num_qubits_keep. num_qubits < num_qubits_keeped are deleted based on the cache limit. Higher number of qubits are less likely to be accessed by other measurements. Default to None (clear enough to meet cache limit if set)

current_keystr or None, optional

If we empty the cache by the strategy state, we need the current state as a (generalized) bitstring. Default to None (will fallback to num_qubit strategy)

all_probslist of dicts or None, optional

Contains already calculated branches of probability tree. If cache of TTN is deleted, corresponding entries of the all_probs have to be deleted as well, otherwise they use the “wrong” tensor in the TTN afterwards, i.e., wrong in terms of the direction of the isometrization. Default to None (potential side-effects, see details)


There is a tricky part when using this for cleaning during a superiteration, where all_probs has to be delete up to the same number of qubits.

property current_max_bond_dim

Current maximum bond dimension of the TTN

property default_iso_pos

Returns default isometry center position, e.g., for initialization of effective operators.

default_isweep_order(skip_exact_rgtensors=False, back=False)[source]

Default sweep order for ground state search or time evolution. Bottom to top; left to right for even layers and viceversa for odd ones. Horizontal order is inverted when sweeping backwards.


skip_exact_rgtensorsbool, optional

Allows to exclude tensors from the sweep which are at full bond dimension and represent just a unitary transformation.

backBoolean, optional

Backwards sweep? False by default.



Iterator a sweep’s “(layer, tensor)” coordindates.


The strategy for skipping exact RG tensors is the following. a) The full layer is skipped or all tensors in the layer are inside the sweep. (b) The top layer with its two tensors is always optimized and cannot be reduced to optimizing only one tensor.


Default sweep order forward. See default_isweep_order docstring. This returns an iterable rather than an iterator.


skip_exact_rgtensorsbool, optional

Allows to exclude tensors from the sweep which are at full bond dimension and represent just a unitary transformation. Usually set via the convergence parameters and then passed here. Default to False.



List of sweep coordindates.


Default sweep order backwards. See default_isweep_order docstring. This returns an iterable rather than an iterator.


skip_exact_rgtensorsbool, optional

Allows to exclude tensors from the sweep which are at full bond dimension and represent just a unitary transformation. Usually set via the convergence parameters and then passed here. Default to False.



List of sweep coordindates.


Obtain the list of effective operators adjacent to the position pos and the index where they should be contracted



list of [layer, tensor in layer]


list of IndexedOperators

List of effective operators

list of ints

Indexes where the operators should be contracted


Calculate the dot-product or overlap between two TTNs, i.e., <other | self>.



Measure the overlap with this other TTN.


Scalar representing the overlap.


Extend the local Hilbert by a certain number of levels without population. Extends the lowest layer with physical Hilbert space in the tree.



Defines the number of levels to be added. The levels are always appended to the end.

classmethod from_statevector(statevector, local_dim=2, conv_params=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Initialize the TTN by decomposing a statevector into TTN form.


statevectorndarray of shape( [local_dim]*num_sites, )

Statevector describing the interested state for initializing the TTN

devicestr, optional

Device where the computation is done. Either “cpu” or “gpu”.

tensor_clstype for representing tensors.

Default to QteaTensor

classmethod from_tensor_list(tensor_list, singvals_list=None, tensor_backend=None, conv_params=None)[source]

Construct a TTN from a listed list of tensors. The outer list contains the layers, the inner list contains the tensors within a layer.

The local Hilbert space is the first list entry and the uppermost layer in the TTN is the last list entry. The first list will have num_sites / 2 entries. The uppermost list has two entries.

The order of the legs is always left-child, right-child, parent with the exception of the left top tensor. The left top tensor has an additional link, i.e., the symmetry selector; the order is left-child, right-child, parent, symmetry-selector.

Also see mps_simulator.MPS.to_ttn().

Returns two sets of sites forming the bipartition of the system for a loopless tensor network. The link is specified via two positions in the tensor network.


pos_srctuple of two ints

Specifies the first tensor and source of the link.

pos_dsttuple of two ints

Specifies the second tensor and destination of the link.


sites_srclist of ints

Hilbert space indices when looking from the link towards source tensor and following the links therein.

sites_dstlist of ints

Hilbert space indices when looking from the link towards destination tensor and following the links therein.

get_path(target, start=None)[source]

Calculates the path to a target, either starting at the isometry center or at a specified state.


targetlist of two integers

Destination in terms of layer index and tensor index.

startNone or list of two integers, optional

Starting point for the path; if None, the isometry center is taken as the starting point. Default to None


List of lists with six entries … run # a QR on tensor path[*][1] in layer path[*][0] and r-link is # path[*][2]. Contract the r-tensor in tensor path[*][4] # in layer path[*][3] via link path[*][5].

Return a list of positions where all links are leading to. Number of entries is equal to number of links. Each entry contains the position as accessible in the actual tensor network.

Get the position of the partner tensor to use in the link expansion subroutine. In TTN, it is always the parent tensor.



Position w.r.t. which you want to compute the partner



Position of the partner


Link of pos pointing towards the partner


Link of the partner pointing towards pos


Calculate the reduced density matrix for a single site. If the singular values are stored (i.e. not None) do not move the isometry center, but use them to compute local observables.



Calculate the reduced density matrix of site idx. Recall python indices start at zero.


numpy ndarray : rank-2 tensor with the reduced density matrix.


Generic function to retrieve the tensor for a specific site. Compatible across different tensor network geometries.



Return tensor containin the link of the local Hilbert space of the idx-th site.


Whether the tensor at the given postion is physically irelevant and can be masked, as can happen when the number of physical sites is not a power of two.

property iso_center

Isometry center property

iso_towards(new_iso, keep_singvals=False, trunc=False, conv_params=None, move_to_memory_device=True)[source]

Shift isometry center towards a certain tensor.


new_isolist of two integers

New isometry center in terms of layer and tensor.

keep_singvalsbool, optional

If True, keep the singular values even if shifting the iso with a QR decomposition. Default to False.

truncBoolean, optional

If True, the shifting is done via truncated SVD. If False, the shifting is done via QR. Default to False.

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters to use for the SVD. If None, convergence parameters are taken from the TTN. Default to None.

move_to_memory_devicebool, optional

If True, when a mixed device is used, move the tensors that are not the isometry center back to the memory device. Default to True.



Singualr values cut in the process of shifting the isometry center. None if moved through the QR.


We introduce an overhead if the TTN has no isometry center set up to now. This choice could be further optimized.

The tensors used in the computation will always be moved on the computational device. For example, the isometry movement keeps the isometry center end the effective operators around the center (if present) always on the computational device. If move_to_memory_device is False, then all the tensors (effective operators) on the path from the old iso to the new iso will be kept in the computational device. This is very useful when you iterate some protocol between two tensors, or in general when two tensors are involved.


Isometrize towards [0, 0] with no assumption of previous isometry center, e.g., works as well on random states.



leg_towards(pos, leg_start=None, leg_end=None, trunc=False, conv_params=None)[source]

The function shifts a selected leg from pos[0] to pos[1]. Remark: the set isometry center is automatically shifted throughout procedure. However, this isometry center corresponds to the real isometry center only when the shifting leg is not extra, i.e. does not come from contracting the 2-qubit gate. Nevertheless, when the applying the 2-qubit gate, the final position tensor will become the real isometry center outside this function, after contracting the gate to the second site.


pos2x2 array

pos[0,:] indicates the position of the starting tensor, and pos[1,:] indicates the position of the destination tensor, such that pos[ii,:] = [layer_index, tensor_index].

leg_startNone or int

Use only if you want to shift one of the physical links to another physical site. Tells on which position in a tensor is a leg we want to shift. If None, it is assumed that the shifting leg is on the last axis. Note that counting starts from zero. Default to None.

leg_endNone or int

Use only if you want to shift one of the physical links to another physical site. Tells on which position in a destination tensor we want the extra leg to be. If None, a shifted leg is assumed to be put on the last axis. Default to None.

truncBoolean, optional

If True, the shifting is done via truncated SVD. If False, the shifting is done via QR. Default to False.

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters to use for the SVD. If None, convergence parameters are taken from the TTN. Default to None.



Singualr values cut in the process of shifting the isometry center. Array of None if moved through the QR.


Measure the entanglement entropy along the bipartitions of the tree using the Von Neumann entropy \(S_V\) defined as:

\[S_V = - \sum_i^{\chi} s^2 \ln( s^2)\]

with \(s\) the singular values



Keys are the range of the smallest bipartition to which the entanglement (value) is relative

meas_tensor_product(ops, idxs)[source]

Measure the tensor products of n operators ops acting on the indexes idxs


opslist of ndarrays

List of numpy arrays which are one-site operators

idxslist of int

Indexes where the operators are applied



Result of the measurement

meas_weighted_sum(op_strings, idxs_strings, coefs)[source]

Measure the weighted sum of tensor product operators. See meas_tensor_product()


op_stringslist of lists of ndarray

list of tensor product operators

idxs_stringslist of list of int

list of indexes of tensor product operators

coefslist of complex

list of the coefficients of the sum



Result of the measurement

classmethod mpi_bcast(state, comm, tensor_backend, root=0)[source]

Broadcast a whole tensor network.


stateTTN (for MPI-rank root, otherwise None is acceptable)

State to be broadcasted via MPI.

commMPI communicator

Send state to this group of MPI processes.


Needed to identity data types and tensor classes on receiving MPI threads (plus checks on sending MPI thread).

rootint, optional

MPI-rank of sending thread with the state. Default to 0.

static mpi_sample_n_unique_states(state, num_unique, comm, tensor_backend, cache_size=None, cache_clearing_strategy=None, filter_func=None, mpi_final_op=None, root=0, **kwargs)[source]

Try sampling a target number of unique states from TN ansatz.


Return the norm of a TTN sqrt(<psi|psi>). Different from tensors.norm() by sqrt!

permute_spo_for_two_tensors(spo_list, theta, link_partner)[source]

Incoming order Ta, Tb, Pa, Pb

plot(fig, axis, link_quantity=None, plot_tensors=False, noticks=True, colormap='jet', cmap_label=None)[source]

Plot the TTN in a matplotlib figure on a specific axis. The plot is a TTN, with links and tensors. The physical links are not represented. The color of the links is encoding the link_quantity value. For example, if the link quantity is the entanglement, the color of the link will encode the entanglement of that link. You can pass some quantity that will be represented as a colorcode on the link.

TODO: add color code for quantities for the tensors too.


figmatplotlib Figure

The figure where to plot

axismatplotlib axis

The axis where to plot

link_quantitynp.ndarray, optional

Colorcode of the link through np.ndarray of double, by default None. If None, black is used

plot_tensorsbool, optional

If True, plot tensors as white dots with black edge, by default False

noticksbool, optional

If True, remove the ticks from the axis, by default True

colormapstr, optional

Colormap to use, by default “jet”

cmap_label: str, optional

Label of the colormap, by default None.



Acts in place on the figure/axis


Check if a TN ansatz is ready for time evolution.

print_tensor_shapes(how_many_layers=None, how_many=None)[source]

Prints the shape of tensors in TTO, layer by layer.


how_many_layersint, optional

Only the shapes of tensors from the first <how_many_layers> layers are printed if how_many_layers = None, shapes of all of the tensors are printed. Default is None.

how_many: int, array-like of ints, optional

Only the first <how_many> tensors of the layer are printed. If None, all the tensors are printed. If int, this number of tensor are printed for each layer. If array-like, you can individually select the number of tensors to be printed. By default None.



print_tensors(how_many_layers=None, how_many=None)[source]

Prints the tensors in TTO layer by layer, together with their shape.


how_many_layersint, optional

Only the tensors from the first <how_many_layers> layers are printed. If how_many_layers = None, all tensors from all layers are printed. Default is None.

how_many: int, array-like of ints, optional

Only the first <how_many> tensors of the layer are printed. If None, all the tensors are printed. If int, this number of tensor are printed for each layer. If array-like, you can individually select the number of tensors to be printed. By default None.



classmethod product_state_from_local_states(mat, padding=None, convergence_parameters=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Construct a product (separable) state in TTN form, given the local states of each of the sites.


matList[np.array of rank 2]

Matrix with ii-th row being a (normalized) local state of the ii-th site. Number of rows is therefore equal to the number of sites, and number of columns corresponds to the local dimension.

paddingnp.array of length 2 or None, optional

Used to enable the growth of bond dimension in TDVP algorithms for TTN (necessary as well for two tensor updates). If not None, all the TTN tensors are padded such that the bond dimension is equal to padding[0]. The value padding[1] tells with which value are we padding the tensors. Note that padding[1] should be very small, as it plays the role of numerical noise. If False, the bond dimensions are equal to 1. Default to None.

convergence_parametersTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters for the new TTN.

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.



Corresponding product state TTN.

classmethod product_state_from_local_states_2d(mat_2d, padding=None, mapping='HilbertCurveMap', return_map=False, conv_params=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Construct a product (separable) state in 1d TTN form for a 2d system by mapping it to 1d, given the local states of each of the sites.


mat_2dnp.array of rank 2

Array with third axis being a (normalized) local state of the (ii,jj)-th site (where ii and jj are indices of the first and second axes). Product of first two axes’ dimensions is therefore equal to the total number of sites, and third axis dimension corresponds to the local dimension.

paddingnp.array of length 2 or None, optional

Used to enable the growth of bond dimension in TDVP algorithms for TTN (necessary as well for two tensor updates). If not None, all the TTN tensors are padded such that the bond dimension is equal to padding[0]. The value padding[1] tells with which value are we padding the tensors. Note that padding[1] should be very small, as it plays the role of numerical noise. If False, the bond dimensions are equal to 1. Default to None.

mappingstring or instance of HilbertCurveMap,


Which 2d to 1d mapping to use. Possible inputs are: ‘HilbertCurveMap’, ‘SnakeMap’, and ‘ZigZagMap’. Default is ‘HilbertCurveMap’.

return_mapboolean, optional

If True, the function returns array map with indices of 2d to 1d mapping. Default to False.

convergence_parametersTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters for the new TTN.



Corresponding product state TTN.

mapnp.array, returned only if return_map==True

Nx2 Matrix, where N is a total number of particles. The values in the ii-th row of the matrix denote particle’s position in a corresponding 2d grid.

classmethod read(filename, tensor_backend, cmplx=True, order='F')[source]

Read a TTN written by FORTRAN in a formatted way on file. Reads in column-major order but the output is in row-major. This is the only method that overrides the number of sites, since you may not know before reading.


filename: str

PATH to the file


Setup which tensor class to create.

cmplx: bool, optional

If True the MPS is complex, real otherwise. Default to True

order: str, optional

Format in which the tensors are saved. If ‘F’ column-major, if ‘C’ row major”


obj: py:class:TTN

TTN class read from file


Many fields stored in a TTN for the fortran code are not kept as they can be easily retrieved on the python side.

The performance can be improved if we consider converting the isometry center in fortran to python and ensure a conversion is always possible.

classmethod read_v0_2_29(filename, tensor_backend, cmplx=True, order='F')[source]

Read a TTN written by FORTRAN in a formatted way on file. Reads in column-major order but the output is in row-major. This is the only method that overrides the number of sites, since you may not know before reading.


filename: str

PATH to the file


Setup which tensor class to create.

cmplx: bool, optional

If True the MPS is complex, real otherwise. Default to True

order: str, optional

Format in which the tensors are saved. If ‘F’ column-major, if ‘C’ row major”


obj: py:class:TTN

TTN class read from file


Many fields stored in a TTN for the fortran code are not kept as they can be easily retrieved on the python side.

The performance can be improved if we consider converting the isometry center in fortran to python and ensure a conversion is always possible.


In the case of pure state TTN, calculate the dot-product, i.e. <other | self>.



Measure the overlap with this other TTN.


Scalar representing the overlap.


Scale a TTN with a scalar factor.


Set strategy for clearing cache



Strategy to be applied, either num_qubits or state.


Set a cache limit in bytes for the sampling procedure.



Size of the cache for sampling in bytes.

Update or set singvals on link via two positions.

shift_iso_to(source_tens, target_tens, source_link, target_link, trunc=False, conv_params=None)[source]

Shift isometry from source tensor to target tensor.



Run QR decomposition over one link of this tensor


Contract R-matrix from QR into this tensor.


Run QR over this link source_link


Contract R-matrix via this link target_link into the target tensor.

truncBoolean, optional

If True, the shifting is done via truncated SVD. If False, the shifting is done via QR. Default to False.

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters to use for the SVD. If None, convergence parameters are taken from the TTN. If isometry shifting is performed via QR, conv_params is set to None automatically. Default to None.



New gauged tensor taking the place of source_tens


New gauge center taking the place of target_tens


Singular values cut in moving the iso. If the iso is moved through the QR then it is None.

shift_leg_to(source_tens, target_tens, source_link, target_link, trunc=False, conv_params=None)[source]

Shift a last leg from source tensor to target tensor by running a QR decomposition on source_tens and contracting R matrix with target_tens. If the shifting leg is not extra, i.e. does not come from contracting the 2-qubit gate, the procedure shifts the isometry center of the TTN.



A tensor from which the leg is shifted. It is assumed that the leg to be shifted is on the last axis of this tensor. Run QR decomposition over one link of this tensor.


A tensor to which the leg is shifted. Contract R-matrix from QR into this tensor.


Run QR over the link source_link and last leg.


Contract R-matrix via the link target_link into the target tensor.

truncBoolean, optional

If True, the shifting is done via truncated SVD. If False, the shifting is done via QR. Default to False.

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters to use for the SVD in the procedure. If None, convergence parameters are taken from the TTN. Default to None. If leg shifting is performed via QR, conv_params is set to None automatically. Default to None.



New tensor taking the place of source_tens


New tensor taking the place of target_tens. If the shifting leg is not an extra leg, i.e. does not come from previously contracting the 2-qubit gate,`target_tens` represents a new iso center.

singvals_cutfloat or None

Singular values cut (if trunc=True) or None

site_canonize(idx, keep_singvals=False)[source]

Shift the isometry center to the tensor containing the corresponding site.



Index of the physical site which should be isometrized.

keep_singvalsbool, optional

If True, keep the singular values even if shifting the iso with a QR decomposition. Default to False.

swap_qubits(sites, conv_params=None, trunc=True)[source]

This function applies a swap gate to sites in a TTN, i.e. swaps these two qubits.


siteslist/array of two int

The qubits on sites sites[0] and sites[1] are swapped.

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters to use for the SVD in the procedure. If None, convergence parameters are taken from the TTN. Default to None.

trunc: bool, optional

If True, move through SVDs, otherwise through QRs. Default to True.



Singualr values cut in the process of shifting the isometry center. None if moved through the QR.


Return TTN without symmetric tensors.


Map a binary TTN to a 1-layer tensor list that can be used to initialize an MPS with :py:function:`MPS.from_tensor_list(tensor_list)`.

At each iteration the algorithm performs the operations highlighted in the codeblock below.

  o-------o           o---o---o---o
 / \     / \  ====>   |   |   |   | ====>  o---o---o---o
o   o   o   o         o   o   o   o       / \ / \ / \ / \


conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters to use in the procedure. If None is given, then use the default convergence parameters of the TTN. Default to None.


list of numpy ndarray

Tensors that will constitute the MPS

numpy ndarray

Singular values cut in the procedure

to_statevector(qiskit_order=False, max_qubit_equivalent=20)[source]

Decompose a given TTN into statevector form.


qiskit_orderbool, optional

If true, the order is right-to-left. Otherwise left-to-right (which is the usual order in physics). Default to False.

max_qubit_equivalentint, optional

Maximum number of qubits for which the statevector is computed. i.e. for a maximum hilbert space of 2**max_qubit_equivalent. Default to 20.


psiinstance of _AbstractQteaTensor

The statevector of the system


Return the tensors in the TTN as a nested list


list of lists numpy ndarray

Tensors that will constitute the TTN


Unset all the singvals in the TTN due to a local operation that is modifying the global state and the entanglement structure, such as a projective measurement.



write(filename, cmplx=True)[source]

Write the TTN into a FORTRAN compatible file.


filename: str

Path to the file. Folders in the path must exists and are not created on-the-fly.

cmplx: bool, optional

If True the TTN is complex, real otherwise. Default to True



Locally purified tensor networks

class qtealeaves.emulator.LPTN(num_sites, conv_params, local_dim=2, tensor_backend=None, iso_center=None, initialize='vacuum', **kwargs)[source]

LOCALLY PURIFIED TENSOR NETWORK CLASS - operator order of legs: 0 - left bond, 1 - lower (physical) leg, 2 - upper leg, 3 - right bond



Number of sites


Input for handling convergence parameters. In particular, in the LPTN simulator we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension (max_bond_dimension) - the cut ratio (cut_ratio) after which the singular values in SVD are neglected, all singular values such that \(\lambda\) /\(\lambda_max\) <= \(\epsilon\) are truncated

local_dimint, optional

Dimension of Hilbert space of single site (defined as the same for each site). Default is 2

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.


How to initialize the LPTN. Options are ‘vacuum’ or ‘pure_random’. Default to ‘vacuum’.

iso_centerNone or list of two ints, optional

Isometry center is between the two sites specified in a list. The counting starts at 1. If the LPTN has no isometry center, iso_center = None. Default is None



Tensor representation

|   |   |   |   |

} –> complex conjugates of tensors below, | | | | | access with LPTN.cc_tensors


} –> these are contained in LPTN.tensors | | | | |



Number of sites


Local Hilbert space dimension


Values of tensors in LPTN


Values of tensors in complex conjugate part of LPTN


Maximal bond dimension


Cut ratio

LPTN.iso_centerNone or list of int, optional

Isometry center is between the two sites specified in a list. The counting starts at 1. If the LPTN has no isometry center, iso_center = None.

apply_projective_operator(site, selected_output=None, remove=False)[source]

Apply a projective operator to the site site, and give the measurement as output. You can also decide to select a given output for the measurement, if the probability is non-zero. Finally, you have the possibility of removing the site after the measurement.


Applying projective measurements/removing sites is ALWAYS dangerous. The information of the projective measurement should be in principle carried over the entire mps, by iteratively applying SVDs across all sites. However, this procedure is highly suboptimal, since it is not always necessary and will be processed by the following two-sites operators. Thus, the procedure IS NOT applied here. Take care that entanglement measures through TNObsBondEntropy may give incorrect results right after a projective operator application. Furthermore, if working with parallel approaches, projective operators should be treated with even more caution, since they CANNOT be applied in parallel.


site: int

Index of the site you want to measure

selected_output: int, optional

If provided, the selected state is measured. Throw an error if the probability of the state is 0

remove: bool, optional

If True, the measured index is traced away after the measurement. Default to False.


meas_state: int

Measured state


Probability of measuring the output state


Build the complete effective operator on each of the links. Now assumes self.eff_op is set.


measurement_modebool, optional

If True, enable measurement mode of effective operators

property cc_tensors

complex conjugate part of LPTN, returns complex conjugate tensors

property default_iso_pos

Returns default isometry center position, e.g., for initialization of effective operators.

classmethod dm_to_lptn(rho, n_sites, dim, conv_params, tensor_backend=None, prob=False)[source]

For a given density matrix in matrix form returns LPTN form



Density matrix


Number of sites


Local Hilbert space dimension


Input for handling convergence parameters. In particular, in the LPTN simulator we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension (max_bond_dimension) - the cut ratio (cut_ratio) after which the singular values in SVD are neglected, all singular values such that \(\lambda\) /\(\lambda_max\) <= \(\epsilon\) are truncated

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.

probBoolean, optional

If True, returns eigenvalues of initial eigenvalue decomposition. If everything is correct, should correspond to mixed state probabilities



Density matrix in LPTN form

(if prob==True) : val : 1D np.ndarray

Eigenvalues of initial EVD = mixed state probabilities

classmethod from_statevector(statevector, local_dim=2, conv_params=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Decompose statevector to tensor network.

classmethod from_tensor_list_mps(tensor_list, conv_params=None, iso_center=None)[source]

Initialize the LPTN tensors using a list of MPS shaped tensors. A dummy leg is added and then the function from_tensor_list is called.


tensor_listlist of ndarrays

List of tensors for initializing the LPTN

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Input for handling convergence parameters. In particular, in the LPTN simulator we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension (max_bond_dimension) - the cut ratio (cut_ratio) after which the singular values in SVD are neglected, all singular values such that \(\lambda\) / \(\lambda_max\) <= \(\epsilon\) are truncated

iso_centerNone or list of int, optional

Isometry center is between the two sites specified in a list. If the LPTN has no isometry center, iso_center = None. Default is None



The LPTN class composed of the given tensors

List of tensor position where links are leading to.



Index of the tensor in the MPS



Index of the tensor connected through links to pos. None if they are open links.


Calculate the reduced density matrix for a single site.



Calculate the reduced density matrix of site idx. Recall python indices start at zero.


2D np.ndarray :

Reduced density matrix.


Calculate the reduced density matrix for two neighbour sites.



Calculate the reduced density matrix of sites idx and ``idx``+1. Recall python indices start at zero.


2D np.ndarray :

Reduced density matrix.

classmethod mpi_bcast(state, comm, tensor_backend, root=0)[source]

Broadcast a whole tensor network.


stateLPTN (for MPI-rank root, otherwise None is acceptable)

State to be broadcasted via MPI.

commMPI communicator

Send state to this group of MPI processes.


Needed to identity data types and tensor classes on receiving MPI threads (plus checks on sending MPI thread).

rootint, optional

MPI-rank of sending thread with the state. Default to 0.

static mpi_sample_n_unique_states(state, num_unique, comm, tensor_backend, cache_size=None, cache_clearing_strategy=None, filter_func=None, mpi_final_op=None, root=0, **kwargs)[source]

Try sampling a target number of unique states from TN ansatz.


Calculate the norm of the state, where the state is X of rho = X Xdagger.


Prints the shape of tensors in LPTN



Only the shapes of the first <how_many> tensors are printed. If how_many=None, shapes of all of the tensors are printed




Prints the tensors in LPTN together with their shape


how_manyint, optional

Only the first :py:name::how_many tensors are printed. If :py:name::how_many=None, all of the tensors are printed



classmethod read(filename, tensor_backend, cmplx=True, order='F')[source]

Read the LPTN written by FORTRAN in a formatted way on file. Reads in column-major order but the output is in row-major.


filename: str

PATH to the file


Setup which tensor class to create.

cmplx: bool, optional

If True the LPTN is complex, real otherwise. Default to True

order: str, optional

If ‘F’ the tensor is transformed from column-major to row-major, if ‘C’ it is left as read.


obj: py:class:LPTN

LPTN class read from file

reduced_dm(sites, max_qubits=10)[source]

Get a reduced density matrix of a given LPTN. The result is in a matrix form.


siteslist of int

Specifies the sites for the reduced density matrix. The partial trace is performed over all of the other tensors. Currently, a reduced density matrix is implemented only for single and neighbour sites. The sites are counted from zero to num_sites-1.

max_qubitsint, optional

Maximal number of qubits a reduced density matrix can have. If the number of qubits is greater, it will throw an exception. If the local Hilbert space dimension is not 2, The number of qubits is calculated as np.log2(D), where D is a total Hilbert space dimension of reduced density matrix. Default to 10.


red_dm2D np.ndarray

Reduced density matrix.


Multiply the tensor network state by a scalar factor.



Factor for multiplication of current tensor network state.

Update or set singvals on link via two positions.


Shift a gauge center of the LPTN.

ind_finallist or np.array of two ints

The new gauge center will be installed between these two sites (when considering the non-python index starting at 1).



site_canonize(idx, keep_singvals=False, normalize=False)[source]

Shift the isometry center to the tensor containing the corresponding site, i.e., move the isometry to a specific Hilbert space. This method can be implemented independent of the tensor network structure.



Index of the physical site which should be isometrized.

keep_singvalsbool, optional

If True, keep the singular values even if shifting the iso with a QR decomposition. Default to False.

normalizebool, optional

If True, normalize the state after the isometry movement. Default to False.

property tensors

List of MPS tensors


Convert into a TN with dense tensors (without symmetries).

to_statevector(qiskit_order=False, max_qubit_equivalent=20)[source]

Decompose a given LPTN into statevector form if pure.


qiskit_orderbool, optional

If true, the order is right-to-left. Otherwise left-to-right (which is the usual order in physics). Default to False.

max_qubit_equivalentint, optional

Maximum number of qubits for which the statevector is computed. i.e. for a maximum hilbert space of 2**max_qubit_equivalent. Default to 20.


psiinstance of _AbstractQteaTensor

The statevector of the system


Mixed state: if mixed-state representations are not pure, an

error will be raised.


Return the tensor list representation of the LPTN.



List of tensors of the LPTN.


Return the tensor list representation of the LPTN as MPS. If the upper link has dimension one, the tensors are reshaped to rank 3.



List of tensors of the LPTN as MPS.

write(filename, cmplx=True)[source]

Write an LPTN in python format into a FORTRAN format, i.e. transforms row-major into column-major


filename: str

PATH to the file

cmplx: bool, optional

If True the MPS is complex, real otherwise. Default to True


obj: py:class:LPTN

LPTN class read from file

Tree tensor operators

class qtealeaves.emulator.TTO(num_sites, conv_params, local_dim=2, tensor_backend=None, iso_center=None, **kwargs)[source]

TREE TENSOR OPERATOR - represents a density matrix



Number of sites


Input for handling convergence parameters. In particular, in the TTO simulator we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension (max_bond_dimension) - the cut ratio (cut_ratio) after which the singular values in SVD are neglected, all singular values such that lambda/lambda_max <= eps are truncated

local_dimint, optional

Dimension of Hilbert space of single site (defined as the same for each site). Default is 2.

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.

iso_centerNone or np.ndarray/list of two ints, optional

Position of the gauge center. [i,j] means j-th tensor of i-th layer, i=0 is uppermost, j=0 is the leftmost tensor. If TTO has no gauge center, iso_center = None. Default is None.


|000...000><000---000| , where Z|0>=|0>

Tensor representation

/ /
/ } –> complex conjugates of tensors below,

O access with TTO.cc_layers.tensors | O

/ } –> these are contained in TTO.layers


/ /



Number of sites in TTO

TTO.local_dimnp.ndarray of ints

Local Hilbert space dimension


Number of layers in TTO

TTO.layerslist of :py:class::TTOLayer-s

Layers of the TTO, list of ‘TTOLayer’ objects

TTO.cc_layerslist of :py:class::TTOLayer-s

Complex conjugate part of the TTO, list of ‘TTOLayer’ objects

TTO.probabilitiesnp.ndarray of float

Mixed state probabilities for the case when TTO is a density matrix.

TTO.iso_centerNone or np.ndarray/list of two ints

Position of the gauge center. [i,j] means j-th tensor of i-th layer, i=0 is uppermost, j=0 is the leftmost tensor. If the TTO has no gauge center, TTO.iso_center = None.


Maximal bond dimension


Cut ratio

Access to tensors

  • access to i-th layer with TTO[i]

    [ uppermost layer is indexed with i = 0 ]

  • access to [i,j]-th tensor with TTO[i][j]

    [ leftmost tensor is indexed with j = 0 ]

  • order of legs in tensor

    [ left leg - right leg - upper leg]

property cc_layers

complex conjugate part of TTO, returns complex conjugate tensors stored in TTOLayers


This function calculates the concurrence entanglement monotone for two qubits:

C(rho) = sqrt(sqrt(rho)*rho_tilde*sqrt(rho)),

where rho is a density matrix and rho_tilde is (sigma_y sigma_y) rho* (sigma_y sigma_y).



Two-qubit density matrix TTO.



The concurrence entanglement monotone of a given TTO.

classmethod dm_to_tto(num_sites, dim, psi, prob, conv_params=None, padding=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Computes the TTO form of a given density matrix



Number of sites


Local Hilbert space dimension

psi,probmatrix or vector, matrix or int
  • Mixed states :

    psi is a matrix with eigenstates as columns, prob is 1D array containing (possibly truncated) probabilities for each state

  • Pure states : psi is a state, prob = 1


Input for handling convergence parameters. in particular, we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension (max_bond_dimension) - the cut ratio (cut_ratio) after which the singular values in SVD are neglected, all singular values such that lambda/lambda_max <= eps are truncated

paddingnp.array of length 2 or None, optional

Used to increase the bond dimension of the TTO. Also necessary to allow the growth of bond dimension in TDVP algorithms (two tensor updates). If not None, all the TTO tensors are padded such that the maximal bond dimension is equal to padding[0]. The value padding[1] tells with which value are we padding the tensors. Note that padding[1] should be very small, as it plays the role of numerical noise. Default to None.

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.



TTO form of the density matrix


Not implemented

entropy(prob=None, local_dim=2, eps=1e-10)[source]

This function calculates Von Neumann entropy of a TTO mixed state density matrix. entropy = -sum(prob log(prob)), where prob are the mixed state probabilities and logarithm base is local_dim.


probnp.ndarray, optional

Mixed state probabilities. If given, the entropy is calculated faster. Default is None.

local_dimint, optional

Dimension of local Hilbert space. Default is 2.

epsfloat, optional

To make calculation faster and avoid division by zero, all the probabilities smaller than <eps> are cut off. Default is 1e-10.



Von Neumann entropy of a TTO density matrix.

eof(init_guess=None, unitary=None, extra=0, maxiter=300)[source]

This function estimates entanglement of formation (EoF) of a TTO mixed state density matrix.

Definition: EoF = min( sum( p_j * E( psi_j ) ) ), where the minimum is found over all the possible decompositions of density matrix to states psi_j and corresponding probabilities p_j. E() is the entropy of entanglement with respect to two halves of the system.


extraint, optional

The minimization for computing EoF is run over unitary matrices of dimension K0 x k_dim, where k_dim = K0 + <extra>, K0 is the number of probabilities kept in a mixed state density matrix. Default is 0.

init_guessnp.ndarray or list of real numbers, optional

Initial entries for elements of Hermitian matrix needed for constructing the unitary matrix. First k_dim entries are the values on the diagonal. Next (k_dim^2-k_dim)/2 entries are the values for real part of matrix elements above the diagonal. Next (k_dim^2-k_dim)/2 entries are the values for imaginary part of matrix elements above the diagonal. When initializing the Hermitian matrix, the elements above the diagonal will be filled with the values from <init_guess> list row by row. Default is None.

unitary2D np.ndarray, 1st axis dimension must be equal to the

number of probabilities kept in a density matrix, optional

The EoF is computed only for the density matrix decomposition defined with this unitary matrix and no optimization is done. Either init_guess or unitary must be specified. Default is None.

maxiterint, optional

Maximal number of iterations for minimization. Default is 300.



An estimate of the EoF of a given mixed state density matrix.

Only if init_params is not None: params.x : np.ndarray

Optimal solution for entries for Hermitian matrix defining the decomposition of density matrix.

classmethod from_statevector(statevector, local_dim=2, conv_params=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Initialize the TTO by decomposing a statevector into TTO form.

We use the dm_to_tto function isntead of mapping the statevector to TTN and the TTN to TTO since in this way we avoid the problems arising from the different structures of the top layer.


statevectorndarray of shape( [local_dim]*num_sites, )

Statevector describing the interested state for initializing the TTN

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.


Install a gauge center to the position [0,0] (uppermost tensor) of the TTO.



property local_dim

The local dimension is constrained to be always the same on the TTO

classmethod lptn_to_tto(tensor_list, conv_params, tensor_backend)[source]

Transforms the density matrix from LPTN to TTO form



Tensors in LPTN, LPTN.tensors


Input for handling convergence parameters in particular, we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension (max_bond_dimension) - the cut ratio (cut_ratio) after which the singular values in SVD are neglected, all singular values such that lambda/lambda_max <= eps are truncated

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.



TTO form of the input LPTN

classmethod lptn_to_tto_iso(tensor_list, conv_params, k_0=None, norm=False)[source]

Transforms the density matrix from LPTN to TTO form, keeping the TN isometrized throughout the procedure.



List of tensors in LPTN, LPTN.tensors.


Input for handling convergence parameters in particular, we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension (max_bond_dimension) - the cut ratio (cut_ratio) after which the singular values in SVD are neglected, all singular values such that lambda/lambda_max <= eps are truncated.

k_0int, optional

Dimension of link connecting two sides of TTO (upper link of the root tensor). Default to None.

normBoolean, optional

Used to track the cumulated norm loss due to the SVD truncation through the procedure. If True, the truncated norm of the TTO is returned. Default to False.



TTO form of the input LPTN


Returned if norm==True. Truncated norm of the TTO obtained by keeping the track of singular value truncations. Note that this is not the actual norm of the TTO, as the singular values are renormalized after each truncation and therefore actual norm is kept to 1.


Measure the entanglement entropy along the bipartitions of the tree using the Von Neumann entropy \(S_V\) defined as:

\[S_V = - \sum_i^{\chi} s^2 \ln( s^2)\]

with \(s\) the singular values

classmethod mpi_bcast(state, comm, tensor_backend, root=0)[source]

Broadcast a whole tensor network.


stateTTO (for MPI-rank root, otherwise None is acceptable)

State to be broadcasted via MPI.

commMPI communicator

Send state to this group of MPI processes.


Needed to identity data types and tensor classes on receiving MPI threads (plus checks on sending MPI thread).

rootint, optional

MPI-rank of sending thread with the state. Default to 0.

static mpi_sample_n_unique_states(state, num_unique, comm, tensor_backend, cache_size=None, cache_clearing_strategy=None, filter_func=None, mpi_final_op=None, root=0, **kwargs)[source]

Try sampling a target number of unique states from TN ansatz.


Computes the negativity entanglement monotone for a mixed state density matrix in the TTO form.

  • Measures the entanglement between the left and right half of

the 1D system.



Methematically, negativity can be computed in two different ways. If True, it is computed via the square of partially transposed density matrix, and if False, it is computed via the eigenvalues of partially transposed density matrix.



Negativity of the TTO.

property probabilities

Extracts the mixed, e.g. finite temperature, state probabilities from a TTO density matrix.



Mixed state probabilities in descending order.

classmethod product_state_from_local_states(mat, padding=None, convergence_parameters=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Construct a pure product state in TTO form, given the local states of each of the sites.


mat2D np.array

Matrix with ii-th row being a (normalized) local state of the ii-th site. Number of rows is therefore equal to the number of sites, and number of columns corresponds to the local dimension.

paddingnp.array of length 2 or None, optional

Used to increase the bond dimension of the TTO. Also necessary to allow the growth of bond dimension in TDVP algorithms (two tensor updates). If not None, all the TTO tensors are padded such that the maximal bond dimension is equal to padding[0]. The value padding[1] tells with which value are we padding the tensors. Note that padding[1] should be very small, as it plays the role of numerical noise. Default to None.

convergence_parametersTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters for the new TT0.

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.



Corresponding product state TTO.


Computes the purity entanglement monotone for a density matrix in the TTO form.

purity = Tr(rho^2), where rho is a density matrix. The above relation is equivalent to: purity = sum(prob^2), where prob are mixed state probabilities.


probnp.ndarray, optional

Mixed state probabilities. If given, purity is calculated with them. If None, the probabilities are calculated from the TTO. Default is None.


float :

Purity of the TTO density matrix.

classmethod read(filename, tensor_backend, cmplx=True, order='F')[source]

Not implemented

classmethod read_v0_2_29(filename, tensor_backend, cmplx=True, order='F')[source]

Not implemented

renyi_entropy(alpha, prob=None, local_dim=2, eps=1e-10)[source]

This function calculates Renyi entropy of order alpha for a TTO mixed state density matrix. Renyi entropy = 1/(1-alpha)*sum(log(prob**alpha)), where prob are the mixed state probabilities and logarithm base is local_dim



order of Renyi entropy.

probnp.ndarray, optional

Mixed state probabilities. If given, the entropy is calculated faster. Default is None.

local_dimint, optional

Dimension of local Hilbert space. Default is 2.

epsfloat, optional

To make calculation faster and avoid division by zero, all the probabilities smaller than <eps> are cut off. Default is 1e-10.



Alpha-order Rényi entropy of the given TTO density matrix.

shift_gauge_center(ind_final, keep_singvals=False)[source]

Shift a gauge center of the TTO to a given position.


ind_finallist or np.array of lenght 2

Index where we want the new gauge center to be.

keep_singvalsbool, optional

If True, keep the singular values even if shifting the iso with a QR decomposition. Default to False.



**Remark[i,j] means j-th tensor of i-th layer, i=0 is uppermost, j=0 is

the most left tensor

to_statevector(qiskit_order=False, max_qubit_equivalent=20)[source]

Decompose a given pure state TTO (projector) into statevector form.


qiskit_orderbool, optional

If true, the order is right-to-left. Otherwise left-to-right (which is the usual order in physics). Default to False.

max_qubit_equivalentint, optional

Maximum number of qubits for which the statevector is computed. i.e. for a maximum hilbert space of 2**max_qubit_equivalent. Default to 20.


psiinstance of _AbstractQteaTensor

The statevector of the system


Not implemented


Converts a pure state TTO (projector) into a TTN.

tree(matrix_in, conv_params)[source]

Transforms a given matrix into a tensor network as below:

|       O
O ---> /             |     O   O
      |   |

the first index of a matrix corresponds to the lower leg of the input tensor



Initialized TTO for which the tree method is used. From it, the local dimension and convergence parameters for SVD are extracted.


Matrix to be transformed.


Input for handling convergence parameters.


tens_left, tens_mid, tens_rightndarray

Tensors of the second TN on the picture above, read from left to right. –> order of indices:

tens_left, tens_right - [lower, upper] tens_mid - [lower left, upper, lower right]

trunc_probabilities(k_0, cut_ratio=1e-06, norm_track=False)[source]

Truncates the mixed state probabilities of a TTO to a given dimension and cut ratio.



Maximal number of probabilities kept in a TTO.

cut_ratiofloat, optional

Cut ratio.

norm_trackBoolean, optional

If True, the norm loss due to the truncation is returned.


norm_lossfloat, returned if `norm_track`==True

Norm loss due to the truncation.

classmethod ttn_to_tto(ttn, conv_params=None, no_truncation=True, padding=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Converts a state (TTN) to the respective projector (TTO).



The TTN to be converted.

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters for the resulting TTO. If None is given, then use the convergence parameters of the input TTN. Default to None.

no_truncationboolean, optional

Allows to run SVD without truncation. Default to True.

paddingnp.array of length 2 or None, optional

Used to increase the bond dimension of the TTO. Also necessary to allow the growth of bond dimension in TDVP algorithms (two tensor updates). If not None, all the TTO tensors are padded such that the maximal bond dimension is equal to padding[0]. The value padding[1] tells with which value are we padding the tensors. Note that padding[1] should be very small, as it plays the role of numerical noise. Default to None.

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.



TTO form of the input TTN


Unset all the singvals in the TTO due to a local operation that is modifying the global state and the entanglement structure, such as a projective measurement.



write(filename, cmplx=True)[source]

Not implemented

Augmented tree tensor networks

class qtealeaves.emulator.ATTN(num_sites, convergence_parameters, local_dim=2, requires_singvals=False, tensor_backend=None, initialize='random', sectors={}, de_sites=None, de_initialize='identity', check_unitarity=True)[source]

Augmented tree tensor network class = TTN + disentangler gates.



Number of sites

convergence_parameters: TNConvergenceParameters

Class for handling convergence parameters. In particular, in the aTTN simulator we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension \(\chi\); - the cut ratio \(\epsilon\) after which the singular

values are neglected, i.e. if \(\lamda_1\) is the bigger singular values then after an SVD we neglect all the singular values such that \(\frac{\lambda_i}{\lambda_1}\leq\epsilon\)

local_dim: int, optional

Local Hilbert space dimension. Default to 2.

requires_singvalsboolean, optional

Allows to enforce SVD to have singular values on each link available which might be useful for measurements, e.g., bond entropy (the alternative is traversing the whole TN again to get the bond entropy on each link with an SVD).

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend, optional

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.

initializestring, optional

Define the initialization method. For random entries use ‘random’, for empty aTTN use ‘empty’. Default to ‘random’.

sectorsdict, optional

[Not Implemented for aTTN] For restricting symmetry sector and/or bond dimension in initialization. If empty, no restriction. Default to empty dictionary.

de_sites2d np.array, optional

Array with disentangler positions with n rows and 2 columns, where n is the number of disentanglers. Counting starts from 0 and indices are passed as in the mapped 1d system. If set to ‘auto’, the disentangler positions are automatically selected to fit as much disentanglers as possible. Default to ‘random’.

de_initializestring, optional

Define the initialization method. For identities use ‘identity’, for random entries use ‘random’. Default to ‘identity’.

check_unitarityBoolean, optional

If True, all the disentangler tensors are checked for unitarity and an error is raised if the check fails. Default to True.


Notation: the last layer in TTN contains the local Hilbert spaces and the most tensors. The order of legs in TTN is:


0| |1

The order of legs in disentanglers is: 0,1 are attached to <psi|, and 2,3 are attached to |psi>, so that it matches the notation DE|psi>.


NOTE: For now works only for include_disentanglers = False.

Create TTN from aTTN.


include_disentanglersBoolean, optional

If True, TTN will be constructed by contracting the disentanglers to the TTN part of aTTN. If False, only the TTN part of the aTTN is returned, regardless of the disentanglers. Default to True.


Whether to truncate throughout the process of applying the disentangler.



Resulting TTN.

classmethod from_statevector(statevector, local_dim=2, conv_params=None, tensor_backend=None, check_unitarity=True)[source]

Initialize an aTTN by decomposing a statevector into TTN form with 0 disentanglers.


statevectorndarray of shape( [local_dim]*num_sites, )

Statevector describing the interested state for initializing the TTN

devicestr, optional

Device where the computation is done. Either “cpu” or “gpu”.

tensor_clstype for representing tensors.

Default to QteaTensor

classmethod from_ttn(ttn, de_sites, de_initialize='identity', check_unitarity=True)[source]

Create aTTN from an existing TTN.



TTN part of the new aTTN

de_siteslist or np.array

Positions of disentanglers.


Method of disentangler initialization.


Get the reduced density matrix of the site at index idx.



Index of the site


Measure a local observable along sites of the aTTN, excluding the sites with the disentangler (because there the measurement is not local anymore)


op_listlist of _AbstractQteaTensor

local operator to measure on each site


measuresndarray, shape (num_sites)

Measures of the local operator along each site except sites with the disentanglers. At the disentangler sites measures is set to zero.


Cache the reduced density matrices for faster access.

to_statevector(qiskit_order=False, max_qubit_equivalent=20)[source]

Decompose a given aTTN into statevector form.


qiskit_orderbool, optional

If true, the order is right-to-left. Otherwise left-to-right (which is the usual order in physics). Default to False.

max_qubit_equivalentint, optional

Maximum number of qubits for which the statevector is computed. i.e. for a maximum hilbert space of 2**max_qubit_equivalent. Default to 20.


psiinstance of _AbstractQteaTensor

The statevector of the system

MPI version of matrix product states

class qtealeaves.emulator.MPIMPS(num_sites, convergence_parameters, local_dim=2, initialize='vacuum', tensor_backend=None)[source]

MPI version of the MPS emulator that divides the MPS between the different nodes


num_sites: int

Number of sites

convergence_parameters: TNConvergenceParameters

Class for handling convergence parameters. In particular, in the MPS simulator we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension \(\chi\); - the cut ratio \(\epsilon\) after which the singular

values are neglected, i.e. if \(\lamda_1\) is the bigger singular values then after an SVD we neglect all the singular values such that \(\frac{\lambda_i}{\lambda_1}\leq\epsilon\)

local_dim: int or list of ints, optional

Local dimension of the degrees of freedom. Default to 2. If a list is given, then it must have length num_sites.

initialize: str, optional

The method for the initialization. Default to “vacuum” Available: - “vacuum”, for the |000…0> state - “random”, for a random state at given bond dimension

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.

apply_one_site_operator(op, pos)[source]

Applies a one operator op to the site pos of the MPIMPS. Instead of communicating the changes on the boundaries we perform an additional contraction.


op: numpy array shape (local_dim, local_dim)

Matrix representation of the quantum gate

pos: int

Position of the qubit where to apply op.

apply_projective_operator(site, selected_output=None, remove=False)[source]

Apply a projective operator to the site site, and give the measurement as output. You can also decide to select a given output for the measurement, if the probability is non-zero. Finally, you have the possibility of removing the site after the measurement.


site: int

Index of the site you want to measure

selected_output: int, optional

If provided, the selected state is measured. Throw an error if the probability of the state is 0

remove: bool, optional

If True, the measured index is traced away after the measurement. Default to False.


meas_state: int

Measured state


Probability of measuring the output state

apply_two_site_operator(op, pos, swap=False, svd=None, parallel=None)[source]

Applies a two-site operator op to the site pos, pos+1 of the MPS. Then, perform the necessary communications between the interested process and the process


op: numpy array shape (local_dim, local_dim, local_dim, local_dim)

Matrix representation of the quantum gate

pos: int or list of ints

Position of the qubit where to apply op. If a list is passed, the two sites should be adjacent. The first index is assumed to be the control, and the second the target. The swap argument is overwritten if a list is passed.

swap: bool

If True swaps the operator. This means that instead of the first contraction in the following we get the second. It is written is a list of pos is passed.


Required for compatibility. Can be only True.

parallel: None

Required for compatibility. Can be only True


singular_values_cutted: ndarray

Array of singular values cutted, normalized to the biggest singular value

classmethod from_statevector(statevector, local_dim=2, conv_params=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Serially decompose the statevector and then initialize the MPS

classmethod from_tensor_list(tensor_list, conv_params=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Initialize the MPS tensors using a list of correctly shaped tensors


tensor_listlist of ndarrays or cupy arrays

List of tensor for initializing the MPS

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters for the new MPS. If None, the maximum bond bond dimension possible is assumed, and a cut_ratio=1e-9. Default to None.

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.



The MPIMPS class


Measure a local observable along all sites of the MPS


op_listlist of _AbstractQteaTensor

local operator to measure on each site


measuresndarray, shape (num_sites)

Measures of the local operator along each site on rank-0

property mpi_dtype

Return the MPI version of the MPS dtype (going via first tensor)


Gather the tensors on process 0. We do not use MPI.comm.Gather because we would gather lists of np.arrays without using the np.array advantages, making it slower than the single communications.


list on np.ndarray or None

List of tensors on the rank 0 process, None on the others


Scatter the tensors on process 0. We do not use MPI.comm.Scatter because we would gather lists of np.arrays without using the np.array advantages, making it slower than the single communications.


tensor_listlist of lists of np.ndarrays

The index i of the list is sent to the rank i


list on np.ndarray or None

List of tensors on the rank 0 process, None on the others


Reinstall the isometry by applying identities to all even sites and to all odd sites, and repeating for num_cycles cycles. The reinstallation is exact for num_cycles=num_sites/2. Method from https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.02667

This step is serial because we have to serially pass the information along the MPS. It cannot be parallelized.


num_cycles: int

Number of cycles for reinstalling the isometry



reinstall_isometry_serial(left=False, from_site=None)[source]

Reinstall the isometry center on position 0 of the full MPS.

This step is serial because we have to serially pass the information along the MPS. It cannot be parallelized.


left: bool, optional

If True, reinstall the isometry to the left. If False, to the right. Defaulto to False

from_site: int, optional

The site from which the isometrization should start. By default None, i.e. the other end of the MPS chain.



to_statevector(qiskit_order=False, max_qubit_equivalent=20)[source]

Serially compute the statevector


qiskit_order: bool, optional

weather to use qiskit ordering or the theoretical one. For example the state |011> has 0 in the first position for the theoretical ordering, while for qiskit ordering it is on the last position.

max_qubit_equivalent: int, optional

Maximum number of qubit sites the MPS can have and still be transformed into a statevector. If the number of sites is greater, it will throw an exception. Default to 20.


np.ndarray or None

Statevector on process 0, None on the others


Return the tensor list of the full MPS. Thus, here there are communications between the different processes and all the tensorlist is returned on process 0


list of np.ndarray or None

List of tensors on the rank 0 process, None on the others

State vectors

class qtealeaves.emulator.StateVector(num_sites, local_dim=2, state=None, dtype=<class 'numpy.complex128'>)[source]

State vector class for handling small systems without the truncation of entanglement.



Number of sites in the system.

local_dimint, optional

Local dimension of the sites Default to 2.

stateNone or np.ndarray, optional

Pure state passed as numpy array. If None, the |0…0> state is initialized; otherwise, the state vector is initialized with the numpy array. Default to None.

dtypetype, optional

Initial data type if no numpy array is passed as initial state. The data type might change when executing operations. Default to np.complex128

add_update(other, factor_this=None, factor_other=None)[source]

Inplace addition as self = factor_this * self + factor_other * other. Exactly copied from the QteaTensor class (Feb 2024).


othersame instance as self

Will be added to self. Unmodified on exit.


Scalar weight for tensor self.


Scalar weight for tensor other


Applies a global operator to the state; the state is updated in-place.


global_opnumpy ndarray, rank-2

Global operator acting on the whole Hilbert space.


Return None; instance of class is updated in-place.

apply_two_site_operator(twosite_op, sites)[source]

Applies a two-site operator to the state; the state is updated in-place.


twosite_opnp.array, rank-4

Two-site operator to apply. The contraction with the state is done over the links [2,3] of the operator.

siteslist/np.array of len 2

Sites indices on which to apply the operator.


Return None; instance of class is updated in-place.


Calculate the dot-product or overlap between two state vectors, i.e., <self | other>.


otherStateVector, numpy ndarray

Measure the overlap with this other state vector..


Scalar representing the overlap; complex valued.

classmethod from_groundstate(ham, num_sites, local_dim)[source]

Initialize the state vector with the ground state of a Hamiltonian passed as a matrix.


hamnumpy ndarray, rank-2

Matrix of the system. Lower triangular part is sufficient since numpy.linalg.eigh is used.


Number of sites in the system.


Local dimension of the sites

property global_dim

Global dimension property. Returns scalar with the dimension of the full Hilbert space.

property local_dim

Local dimension property. Returns the array of local dimensions.


Measure the expectation value of a global operator.


global_opnumpy ndarray, rank-2

Global operator acting on the whole Hilbert space.


Return scalar value with the expectation value.


Calculate the norm of the state.



Real-valued scalar with the norm.


Calculate the square root of the norm of the state.



The square root of the norm.


Normalize the current state in-place.



Normalized version, same object as input (no copy)

property num_sites

Number of sites property.


Calculate the reduced density matrix of a subset of sites.


idx_keepint or list of ints

The site or sites specified here will be in the reduced density matrix.


rho_ijknumpy ndarray, rank-2

Reduced density matrix for all the specified sites.


Calculate the reduced density matrix for a single site.



Get reduced density matrix for this site.


rho_inumpy ndarray, rank-2

Reduced density matrix for site ii.

reduced_rho_ij(ii, jj)[source]

Calculate the reduced density matrix for a single site.



Get reduced density matrix for this site and site jj.


Get reduced density matrix for this site and site ii.


rho_ijnumpy ndarray, rank-2

Reduced density matrix for site ii and jj.

property state

State property. The state vector in the shape of a N-legged tensor for N sites.

Tensor network nodes

class qtealeaves.emulator.TNnode(layer, index, children, link_idx)[source]

Class to encode a node in a tensor network, to work with arbitrary tensor network.


layer: int

Layer of the network where the node lives

index: int

Index of the tensor inside the layer

children: list of TNnode

Children nodes

link_idx: int

Number for the new index for the links


Add the node parent as parent node of the class



New parent node


Check if the class is the child of parent_node



Potential parent node



True if parent_node is the parent


Check if the class is the parent of child_node



Potential child node



True if child_node is the child

Abstract tensor networks

class qtealeaves.abstracttns._AbstractTN(num_sites, convergence_parameters, local_dim=2, requires_singvals=False, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Abstract tensor network class with methods applicable to any tensor network.


num_sites: int

Number of sites

convergence_parameters: TNConvergenceParameters

Class for handling convergence parameters. In particular, in the python TN simulator, we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension \(\chi\); - the cut ratio \(\epsilon\) after which the singular

values are neglected, i.e. if \(\lamda_1\) is the bigger singular values then after an SVD we neglect all the singular values such that \(\frac{\lambda_i}{\lambda_1}\leq\epsilon\)

local_dim: int, optional

Local dimension of the degrees of freedom. Default to 2.

requires_singvalsboolean, optional

Allows to enforce SVD to have singular values on each link available which might be useful for measurements, e.g., bond entropy (the alternative is traversing the whole TN again to get the bond entropy on each link with an SVD).

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.

abstract apply_projective_operator(site, selected_output=None, remove=False)[source]

Apply a projective operator to the site site, and give the measurement as output. You can also decide to select a given output for the measurement, if the probability is non-zero. Finally, you have the possibility of removing the site after the measurement.


Applying projective measurements/removing sites is ALWAYS dangerous. The information of the projective measurement should be in principle carried over the entire mps, by iteratively applying SVDs across all sites. However, this procedure is highly suboptimal, since it is not always necessary and will be processed by the following two-sites operators. Thus, the procedure IS NOT applied here. Take care that entanglement measures through TNObsBondEntropy may give incorrect results right after a projective operator application. Furthermore, if working with parallel approaches, projective operators should be treated with even more caution, since they CANNOT be applied in parallel.


site: int

Index of the site you want to measure

selected_output: int, optional

If provided, the selected state is measured. Throw an error if the probability of the state is 0

remove: bool, optional

If True, the measured index is traced away after the measurement. Default to False.


meas_state: int

Measured state


Probability of measuring the output state

abstract build_effective_operators(measurement_mode=False)[source]

Build the complete effective operator on each of the links. Now assumes self.eff_op is set.

check_obs_input(ops, idxs=None)[source]

Check if the observables are in the right format


opslist of np.ndarray or np.ndarray

Observables to measure

idxs: list of ints, optional

If has len>0 we expect a list of operators, otherwise just one.




Copy attributes linked to the simulation, like convergence parameters.

checkpoint_store(folder_name_output, dyn_checkpoint_file, int_str, checkpoint_indicator_file, is_dyn=False, jdic=None)[source]

Store the tensor network as checkpoint.



Name of the output folder, where we store checkpoints.

dyn_checkpoint_filestr or None

Name of the previous checkpoint file, which can be deleted after creating the new checkpoint.


Identifier containing integers as string to identify the checkpoint when loading in a potential future run.

checkpoint_indicator_file: str

Path to file which indicates if checkpoints exists.

is_dynbool, optional

Flag to indicate if checkpoint is for statics (False) or dynamics (True). Default to False.

jdicjson-compatible structure or None, optional

Store additional information as json. Default to None (store nothing).

clear_cache(num_qubits_keep=None, all_probs=None, current_key=None)[source]

Clear cache until cache size is below cache limit again. This function is empty and works for any tensor network without cache. If the inheriting tensor network has a cache, it has to be overwritten.


all_probslist of dicts

Contains already calculated branches of probability tree. Each TTN has to decide if they need to be cleaned up as well.


Clear cache of reduced density matrices.


Compute the energy of the TTN through the effective operator at position pos.


poslist, optional

If a position is provided, the isometry is first shifted to that position and then the energy is computed. If None, the current isometry center is computed, by default None



Energy of the TTN

property convergence_parameters

Get the convergence settings from the TN.

convert(dtype, device)[source]

Convert data type and device inplace.

copy(dtype=None, device=None)[source]

Make a copy of a TN.


The following attributes have a special treatment and are not present in the copied object.

  • convergence_parameters

  • log file (filehandle)

  • MPI communicator

property data_mover

Get the data mover od the tensor.


Write informations about the memory usage in each device, and how many tensors are stored in each device. This should not be used in performance simulations but only in debugging.

abstract property default_iso_pos

Returns default isometry center position, e.g., for initialization of effective operators.

abstract default_sweep_order(skip_exact_rgtensors=False)[source]

Default sweep order to be used in the ground state search/time evolution.


skip_exact_rgtensorsbool, optional

Allows to exclude tensors from the sweep which are at full bond dimension and represent just a unitary transformation. Usually set via the convergence parameters and then passed here. Default to False.


List[int] | List[Tuple[int]]

The generator that you can sweep through


Default sweep order backwards, e.g., for second-order methods.

property device

Device where the tensor is stored.

property dtype

Data type of the underlying arrays.

property dtype_eps

Data type’s machine precision of the underlying arrays.


Resolve data type from chars C, D, S, Z and optionally H.

filter_sweep_order(sweep_order, skip_exact_rgtensors)[source]

Filter a sweep order with respect to exact rg tensors if flag active.

abstract classmethod from_statevector(statevector, local_dim=2, conv_params=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Decompose statevector to tensor network.

Returns two sets of sites forming the bipartition of the system for a loopless tensor network. The link is specified via two positions in the tensor network.

Return a list of positions where all links are leading to. Number of entries is equal to number of links. Each entry contains the position as accessible in the actual tensor network.

Get the position of the partner tensor to use in the link expansion subroutine


posint | Tuple[int]

Position w.r.t. which you want to compute the partner


int | Tuple[int]

Position of the partner


Link of pos pointing towards the partner


Link of the partner pointing towards pos

abstract get_rho_i(idx)[source]

Get the reduced density matrix of the site at index idx



Index of the site

abstract get_tensor_of_site(idx)[source]

Generic function to retrieve the tensor for a specific site. Compatible across different tensor network geometries.



Return tensor containing the link of the local Hilbert space of the idx-th site.

property has_symmetry

Check if TN is built out of symmetric tensors.


Check if data type is complex based on one example tensor..

property iso_center

Isometry center of the tensor network

abstract iso_towards(new_iso, keep_singvals=False, trunc=False, conv_params=None, move_to_memory_device=True)[source]

Shift the isometry center to the tensor at the corresponding position, i.e., move the isometry to a specific tensor, that might not be a physical.


new_iso :

Position in the TN of the tensor which should be isometrized.

keep_singvalsbool, optional

If True, keep the singular values even if shifting the iso with a QR decomposition. Default to False.

truncBoolean, optional

If True, the shifting is done via truncated SVD. If False, the shifting is done via QR. Default to False.

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters to use for the SVD. If None, convergence parameters are taken from the TTN. Default to None.

move_to_memory_devicebool, optional

If True, when a mixed device is used, move the tensors that are not the isometry center back to the memory device. Default to True.


The tensors used in the computation will always be moved on the computational device. For example, the isometry movement keeps the isometry center end the effective operators around the center (if present) always on the computational device. If move_to_memory_device is False, then all the tensors (effective operators) on the path from the old iso to the new iso will be kept in the computational device. This is very useful when you iterate some protocol between two tensors, or in general when two tensors are involved.

property local_dim

Local dimension property

Return information on local link (for symmetries more than integer).

static matrix_to_tensorlist(matrix, n_sites, dim, conv_params, tensor_backend=<qtealeaves.tensors.tensor_backend.TensorBackend object>)[source]

For a given matrix returns dense MPO form decomposing with SVDs



Matrix to write in LPTN(MPO) format


Number of sites


Local Hilbert space dimension


Input for handling convergence parameters. In particular, in the LPTN simulator we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension (max_bond_dimension) - the cut ratio (cut_ratio) after which the singular values in SVD are neglected, all singular values such that \(\lambda\) /\(\lambda_max\) <= \(\epsilon\) are truncated

tensor_backendinstance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.



List of tensor, the MPO decomposition of the matrix


Measure a local observable along all sites of the MPS


op_listlist of _AbstractQteaTensor

local operator to measure on each site


measuresndarray, shape (num_sites)

Measures of the local operator along each site

meas_magic(renyi_idx=2, num_samples=1000, return_probabilities=False, precision=14)[source]

Measure the magic of the state as defined in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.05536.pdf, with a given number of samples. To see how the procedure works see meas_unbiased_probabilities.


renyi_idxint, optional

Index of the Rényi entropy you want to measure. If 1, measure the Von Neumann entropy. Default to 2.

num_samplesint | List[int], optional

Number of random number sampled for the unbiased probability measurement. If a List is passed, then the algorithm is run over several superiterations and each entry on num_samples is the number of samples of a superiteration. Default to 1000.

return_probabilitiesbool, optional

If True, return the probability dict. Default to False.

precision: int, optional

Precision for the probability interval computation. Default to 14. For precision>15 mpmath is used, so a slow-down is expected.



The magic of the state

meas_projective(nmeas=1024, qiskit_convention=False, seed=None, unitary_setup=None, do_return_probabilities=False)[source]

Perform projective measurements along the computational basis state


nmeasint, optional

Number of projective measurements. Default to 1024.

qiskit_conventionbool, optional

If the sites during the measure are represented such that |201> has site 0 with value one (True, mimicks bits ordering) or with value 2 (False usually used in theoretical computations). Default to False.

seedint, optional

If provided it sets the numpy seed for the random number generation. Default to None

unitary_setupNone or UnitarySetupProjMeas, optional

If None, no local unitaries are applied during the projective measurements. Otherwise, the unitary_setup provides local unitaries to be applied before the projective measurement on each site. Default to None.

do_return_probabilitiesbool, optional

If False, only the measurements are returned. If True, two arguments are returned where the first are the measurements and the second are their probabilities. Default to False



Dictionary where the keys are the states while the values the number of occurrences. The keys are separated by a comma if local_dim > 9.

meas_unbiased_probabilities(num_samples, qiskit_convention=False, bound_probabilities=None, do_return_samples=False, precision=15, mode='projection_z')[source]

Compute the probabilities of measuring a given state if its probability falls into the explored in num_samples values. The functions divide the probability space in small rectangles, draw num_samples random numbers and then follow the path until the end. The number of states in output is between 1 and num_samples.

For a different way of computing the probability tree see the function meas_even_probabilities() or meas_greedy_probabilities()



Maximum number of states that could be measured.

qiskit_conventionbool, optional

If the sites during the measure are represented such that |201> has site 0 with value one (True, mimics bits ordering) or with value 2 (False usually used in theoretical computations). Default to False.

probability_boundsdict, optional

Bounds on the probability computed previously with this function, i.e. if a uniform random number has value left_bound< value< right_bound then you measure the state. The dict structure is {‘state’ : (left_bound, right_bound)}. If provided, it speed up the computations since the function will skip values in the intervals already known. By default None.

do_return_samplesbool, optional

Enables, if True, to return the random number used for sampling in addition to the bound_probabilities. If False, only the bound_probabilities are returned. Default to False

precisionint, optional

Decimal place precision for the mpmath package. It is only used inside the function, and setted back to the original after the computations. Default to 15. If it is 15 or smaller, it just uses numpy.

modestr, optional

Mode of the unbiased sampling. Default is “projection_z”, equivalent to sampling the basis states on the Z direction. Possibilities: - “projection_z” - “magic”



Dictionary analogous to the probability_bounds parameter. The keys are separated by a comma if local_dim > 9.


Random numbers from sampling, only returned if activated by optional argument.

move_pos(pos, device=None, stream=None)[source]

Move just the tensor in position pos with the effective operators insisting on links of pos on another device. Acts in place.

Warning: at the moment only synchronous movements are available


posint | Tuple[int]

Integers identifying a tensor in a tensor network.

devicestr, optional

Device where you want to send the QteaTensor. If None, no conversion. Default to None.

streamany, optional

If not None, use a new stream for memory communication. Default to None (Use null stream).

abstract classmethod mpi_bcast(state, comm, tensor_backend, root=0)[source]

Broadcast a whole tensor network.


Receive the tensor from the process from_.



Index of the process that sent the tensor



Received tensor

static mpi_sample_n_unique_states(state, num_unique, comm, tensor_backend, cache_size=None, cache_clearing_strategy=None, filter_func=None, mpi_final_op=None, root=0, **kwargs)[source]

Sample a target number of unique states. This is the target number of states, the actual number of states can differ.


stateinstance of _AbstractTN

State to be sampled from; needs to exist only on root and will be broadcasted via MPI to all other threads.


Number of unique states to be sampled. This is a target number; the actual number of sampled states might differ in the end.

commMPI-communicator from mpi4py

Communicator of threads to be used for sampling.


Tensor backend used for state, which will be needed to build up the state during bcast.

cache_sizeint, optional

Cache size limit for the sampling (bytes) per MPI-thread. Default to 1,000,000,000 (1GB).

cache_clearing_strategystr, optional

The strategy to be used to clear the cache within the sampling routine for TTN simulation. The possibilities are “num_qubits” or “state”. Default to “num_qubits”.

filter_funccallable or None, optional

Takes state string and probability boundaries as the two arguments in this order and returns True / False. Filtering can reduce the workload before MPI-communication of states. Default to `None (no filtering)

mpi_final_opstr or None

Either None or mpi_gather (root will contain all states) or mpi_all_gather (all threads will contain all states) Default to None.

rootint, optional

Thread-index of the MPI-thread holding the TN ansatz. Default to 0.

ansatz_AbstractTN (inside kwargs)

Ansatz is needed to broadcast the TN state to the other processes.

kwargskeyword arguments

Passed through to unbiased sampling, e.g., qiskit_convention, precision, and mode.

mpi_send_tensor(tensor, to_)[source]

Send the tensor in position tidx to the process to_.



Tensor to send


Index of the process where to send the tensor



abstract norm()[source]

Calculate the norm of the state.


Normalize the state depending on its current norm.

property num_sites

Number of sites property

Optimize a tensor pair via a space-link expansion.


posint, tuple of ints (depending on TN)

position of tensor to be optimized

pos_partnerint, tuple of ints (depending on TN)

position of partner tensor, where link between tensor and partner tensor will be randomly expanded.


Link connecting to partner tensor (in tensor at pos)


Link connecting to optimized tensors (in partner tensor).


Flag if calling methods upstream need singular values, i.e., want to replace QR with SVDs



Computed energy


Optimize the tensor at position pos based on the effective operators loaded in the TTN


poslist of ints or int

Position of the tensor in the TN



Computed energy

optimize_two_tensors(pos, pos_partner, link_self, link_partner)[source]

Local ground-state search on two tensors simultaneously.


posTuple[int] | int

Position in the TN of the tensor to time-evolve

pos_partnerint, tuple of ints (depending on TN)

position of partner tensor, where link between tensor and partner tensor will be randomly expandend.


Link connecting to partner tensor (in tensor at pos)


Link connecting to optimized tensors (in partner tensor).



Computed energy

permute_spo_for_two_tensors(spo_list, theta, link_partner)[source]

Returns permuted SPO list, permuted theta, and the inverse permutation.


Check if a TN ansatz is ready for time-evolution.

abstract classmethod read(filename, tensor_backend, cmplx=True, order='F')[source]

Read a TN from a formatted file.

classmethod read_pickle(filename)[source]

Read via pickle-module.

reinstall_isometry_parallel(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Reinstall the isometry in a parallel TN parallely

reinstall_isometry_serial(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Reinstall the isometry in a parallel TN serially

sample_n_unique_states(num_unique, exit_coverage=0.9999, **kwargs)[source]

Sample a given number of unique target states. This is the target number of states, the actual number of states can differ.



Number of unique states to be sampled. This is a target number; the actual number of sampled states might differ in the end.

exit_coveragefloat, optional

Coverage at which sampling can stop even without reaching the target number of unique states. Default to 0.9999

kwargskeyword arguments

Passed through to unbiased sampling, e.g., qiskit_convention, precision, and mode. bound_probabilities is accepted if called from MPI sampling (identified by left-right keys).


The target number of unique states will not be reached if the probability of the sampled states reaches the exit_coverage.

The target number of unique states will be overfulfilled in most other cases as the last superiteration might generate slightly more states than needed.


Save class via pickle-module.


The following attributes have a special treatment and are not present in the copied object.

  • convergence_parameters

  • log file (filehandle)

  • MPI communicator

abstract scale(factor)[source]

Multiply the tensor network state by a scalar factor.



Factor for multiplication of current tensor network state.


Multiply the tensor network state by the inverse of a scalar factor.



Factor for multiplication of current tensor network state.


Cache the reduced density matrices for faster access.

Update or set singvals on link via two positions.

abstract site_canonize(idx, keep_singvals=False)[source]

Shift the isometry center to the tensor containing the corresponding site, i.e., move the isometry to a specific Hilbert space. This method can be implemented independent of the tensor network structure.



Index of the physical site which should be isometrized.

keep_singvalsbool, optional

If True, keep the singular values even if shifting the iso with a QR decomposition. Default to False.

property solver

Return current solver for the TN.

property tensor_backend

Return tensor backend stored for this TN-ansatz.

timestep(dt, mode, sweep_order=None, sweep_order_back=None)[source]

Evolve the Tensor network for one timestep.



Currently encoded are single-tensor TDVP first order (1), two-tensor TDVP first order (2), two-tensor TDVP second order (3), and single-tensor TDVP second order (4). A flex-TDVP as (5) is pending.

sweep_orderList[int] | None

Order in which we iterate through the network for the timestep. If None, use the default in self.default_sweep_order()

sweep_order_backList[int] | None

Order in which we iterate backwards through the network for the timestep. If None, use the default in self.default_sweep_order()[::-1]





Information about the convergence of each Krylov update.


Flex-TDVP in the fortran implementation was using two-tensor updates as long as the maximal bond dimension is not reached and then a ratio of 9 single-tensor updates to 1 two-tensor update step.

timestep_mode_1(dt, sweep_order=None, normalize=False)[source]

Evolve the Tensor network for one timestep (single-tensor update 1st order).




sweep_orderList[int] | None

Order in which we iterate through the network for the timestep. If None, use the default in self.default_sweep_order()



Information about the convergence of each Krylov update.

timestep_mode_2(dt, sweep_order=None)[source]

Evolve the Tensor network for one timestep (two-tensor update 1st order).




sweep_orderList[int] | None

Order in which we iterate through the network for the timestep. If None, use the default in self.default_sweep_order()



Information about the convergence of each Krylov update.

timestep_mode_3(dt, sweep_order=None, sweep_order_back=None)[source]

Evolve the Tensor network for one timestep (two-tensor update 2nd order).




sweep_orderList[int] | None

Order in which we iterate through the network for the timestep. If None, use the default in self.default_sweep_order()

sweep_order_backList[int] | None

Order in which we iterate backwards through the network for the timestep. If None, use the default in self.default_sweep_order()[::-1]



Information about the convergence of each Krylov update.

timestep_mode_4(dt, sweep_order=None, sweep_order_back=None, normalize=False)[source]

Evolve the Tensor network for one timestep (single-tensor update 2nd order).




sweep_orderList[int] | None

Order in which we iterate through the network for the timestep. If None, use the default in self.default_sweep_order()

sweep_order_backList[int] | None

Order in which we iterate backwards through the network for the timestep. If None, use the default in self.default_sweep_order()[::-1]



Information about the convergence of each Krylov update.

timestep_mode_5(dt, sweep_order=None, stride_two_tensor=10)[source]

Evolve the Tensor network for one timestep (mixed two-tensor and one-tensor update, first order).




sweep_orderList[int] | None

Order in which we iterate through the network for the timestep. If None, use the default in self.default_sweep_order()

stride_two_tensor: int

If maximum bond dimension is reached, do a two-tensor update every stride_two_tensor steps.



Information about the convergence of each Krylov update.

timestep_single_tensor(pos, next_pos, sc)[source]

Time step for a single-tensor update on a single tensor exp(sc*Heff*dt).


posTuple[int] | int

Position in the TN of the tensor to time-evolve

next_pos: Tuple[int] | int

Position in the TN of the next tensor to time-evolve


Multiplicative factor in the exponent exp(sc*Heff*dt)



Information about the convergence of each Krylov update.

Time step for a single-tensor update on two tensors exp(sc*Heff*dt).


posTuple[int] | int

Position in the TN of the tensor to time-evolve

next_pos: Tuple[int] | int

Position in the TN of the next tensor to time-evolve


Multiplicative factor in the exponent exp(sc*Heff*dt)



Information about the convergence of each Krylov update.

timestep_two_tensors(pos, next_pos, sc, skip_back)[source]

Time step for a single-tensor update on two tensors exp(sc*Heff*dt).


posTuple[int] | int

Position in the TN of the tensor to time-evolve

next_pos: Tuple[int] | int

Position in the TN of the next tensor to time-evolve


Multiplicative factor in the exponent exp(sc*Heff*dt)


Flag if backwards propagation of partner tensor can be skipped; used for last two tensors, partner tensor must be next position as well.



Information about the convergence of each Krylov update.

static tn_mpi_types()[source]

Provide convenient access to the TN_MPI_TYPES for TN ansaetze.

abstract to_dense(true_copy=False)[source]

Convert into a TN with dense tensors (without symmetries).

abstract to_statevector(qiskit_order=False, max_qubit_equivalent=20)[source]

Decompose a given TN into statevector form if pure.


qiskit_orderbool, optional

If true, the order is right-to-left. Otherwise left-to-right (which is the usual order in physics). Default to False.

max_qubit_equivalentint, optional

Maximum number of qubits for which the statevector is computed. i.e. for a maximum hilbert space of 2**max_qubit_equivalent. Default to 20.


psiinstance of _AbstractQteaTensor

The statevector of the system


Mixed state: if mixed-state representations are not pure, an

error will be raised.

abstract write(filename, cmplx=True)[source]

Write the TN in python format into a FORTRAN compatible format.

class qtealeaves.abstracttns._AbstractMatrixTN(num_sites, convergence_parameters, local_dim, requires_singvals, tensor_backend)[source]
Abstract class for tensor networks of the type:
| |
| |

It will be used for both the LPTN and the DenseMPO



Number of sites


Input for handling convergence parameters. In particular, in the LPTN simulator we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension (max_bond_dimension) - the cut ratio (cut_ratio) after which the singular values in SVD are neglected, all singular values such that \(\lambda\) /\(\lambda_max\) <= \(\epsilon\) are truncated

local_dimint, optional

Dimension of Hilbert space of single site (defined as the same for each site). Default is 2

requires_singvalsboolean, optional

Allows to enforce SVD to have singular values on each link available which might be useful for measurements, e.g., bond entropy (the alternative is traversing the whole TN again to get the bond entropy on each link with an SVD).

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.

apply_mpo(mpo, top=False)[source]

Apply an _AbstractMatrixTN to the _AbstractMatrixTN on the sites sites. The MPO should have the following convention for the links: 0 is left link. 1 is physical link pointing downwards. 2 is phisical link pointing upwards. 3 is right link.

The sites are encoded inside the DenseMPO class.



MPO to be applied

topbool, optional

Apply the MPO on the upper legs of the _AbstractMatrixTN. Default to False.



Singular values cutted when the gate link is contracted

apply_one_site_operator(op, pos, top=False)[source]

Applies a one operator op to the site pos of the _AbstractMatrixTN.


op: numpy array shape (local_dim, local_dim)

Matrix representation of the quantum gate

pos: int

Position of the qubit where to apply op.

top: bool, optional

If True, apply the two-site operator to the top of the tensor network instead of from the bottom, Default to False.

apply_two_site_operator(op, pos, swap=False, top=False)[source]

Applies a two-site operator op to the site pos, pos+1 of the _AbstractMatrixTN.


op: numpy array shape (local_dim, local_dim, local_dim, local_dim)

Matrix representation of the quantum gate

pos: int or list of ints

Position of the qubit where to apply op. If a list is passed, the two sites should be adjacent. The first index is assumed to be the control, and the second the target. The swap argument is overwritten if a list is passed.

swap: bool, optional

If True swaps the operator. This means that instead of the first contraction in the following we get the second. Defalt to False

top: bool, optional

If True, apply the two-site operator to the top of the tensor network instead of from the bottom, Default to False.


singular_values_cutted: ndarray

Array of singular values cutted, normalized to the biggest singular value


swap=False  swap=True
  -P-M-       -P-M-
  2| |2       2| |2
  3| |4       4| |3
   GGG         GGG
  1| |2       2| |1
property current_max_bond_dim

Maximum bond dimension of the mps

property default_iso_pos

Returns default iso position to use in iso_towards


Default sweep order to be used in the ground state search/time evolution. Default for _AbstractMatrixTN is left-to-right.


skip_exact_rgtensorsbool, optional

Allows to exclude tensors from the sweep which are at full bond dimension and represent just a unitary transformation. Usually set via the convergence parameters and then passed here. Default to False.



The generator that you can sweep through

classmethod from_tensor_list(tensor_list, conv_params=None, iso_center=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]

Initialize the _AbstractMatrixTN tensors using a list of correctly shaped tensors


tensor_listlist of ndarrays

List of tensors for initializing the _AbstractMatrixTN

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Input for handling convergence parameters. In particular, in the _AbstractMatrixTN simulator we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension (max_bond_dimension) - the cut ratio (cut_ratio) after which the singular values in SVD are neglected, all singular values such that \(\lambda\) / \(\lambda_max\) <= \(\epsilon\) are truncated

iso_centerNone or list of int, optional

Isometry center is between the two sites specified in a list. If the _AbstractMatrixTN has no isometry center, iso_center = None. Default is None

tensor_backendNone or instance of TensorBackend

Default for None is QteaTensor with np.complex128 on CPU.



The _AbstractMatrixTN class composed of the given tensors

Returns two sets of sites forming the bipartition of the system for a loopless tensor network. The link is specified via two positions in the tensor network.


pos_srctuple of two ints

Specifies the first tensor and source of the link.

pos_dsttuple of two ints

Specifies the second tensor and destination of the link.


sites_srclist of ints

Hilbert space indices when looking from the link towards source tensor and following the links therein.

sites_dstlist of ints

Hilbert space indices when looking from the link towards destination tensor and following the links therein.

Get the position of the partner tensor to use in the link expansion subroutine. It is the tensor towards the center, that is supposed to be more entangled w.r.t. the tensor towards the edge



Position w.r.t. which you want to compute the partner



Position of the partner


Link of pos pointing towards the partner


Link of the partner pointing towards pos


Generic function to retrieve the tensor for a specific site. Compatible across different tensor network geometries.



Return tensor containin the link of the local Hilbert space of the idx-th site.


Install a gauge center to the rightmost site of the _AbstractMatrixTN.



property iso_center

Scalar isometry center

iso_towards(new_iso, keep_singvals=False, trunc=False, conv_params=None, move_to_memory_device=None, normalize=False)[source]

Shift the isometry center to the tensor


Concatenate _AbstractMatrixTN tensors with other _AbstractMatrixTN’s tensors



_AbstractMatrixTN to concatenate



kronecker product of the two _AbstractMatrixTN’s


Multiply the tensor network by a scalar factor.



Factor for multiplication of current tensor network.

site_canonize(idx, keep_singvals=False, normalize=False)[source]

Shift the isometry center to the tensor containing the corresponding site, i.e., move the isometry to a specific Hilbert space. This method can be implemented independent of the tensor network structure.



Index of the physical site which should be isometrized.

keep_singvalsbool, optional

If True, keep the singular values even if shifting the iso with a QR decomposition. Default to False.

swap_qubits(sites, conv_params=None, trunc=True)[source]

This function applies a swap gate to sites, i.e. swaps these two qubits



The qubits on site sites[0] and sites[1] are swapped

conv_paramsTNConvergenceParameters, optional

Convergence parameters to use for the SVD in the procedure. If None, convergence parameters are taken from the TTN. Default to None.



Singualr values cut in the process of shifting the isometry center. None if moved through the QR.

to_matrix(qiskit_order=False, max_qubit_equivalent=10)[source]

Return the tensor list representation of the _AbstractMatrixTN.



List of tensors of the _AbstractMatrixTN.

class qtealeaves.abstracttns.postprocess_statedict(state_dict, local_dim=2, qiskit_convention=False)[source]

Remove commas from the states defined as keys of statedict and, if qiskit_convention=True invert the order of the digits following the qiskit convention



State dictionary, which keys should be of the format ‘d,d,d,d,d,…,d’ with d from 0 to local dimension

local_dimint or array-like of ints, optional

Local dimension of the sites. Default to 2

qiskit_conventionbool, optional

If True, invert the digit ordering to follow qiskit convention



The postprocessed state dictionary

Setup unitaries before projective measurements

class qtealeaves.emulator.UnitarySetupProjMeas(unitaries, mode='R')[source]

Setup for applying unitaries prior to a projective measurement via meas_projective.


unitarieslist of xp.ndarrays of rank-2

List of unitaries, which will be applied to the local Hilbert space according to the mode.


Mode R, we draw randomly unitaries from the list and apply them before the projective measurement. Mode S select the unitary at the corresponding site, i.e., the i-th site applies always the i-th unitary.


Retrieve the unitary for a site.



Get unitary for this site. Although it has to be passed always, it is only evaluated in mode=S.


unitarynp.ndarray of rank-2

Tensor to be applied as local unitary to the site.